Part 25: Wake Up

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--Erica's POV--

I don't think I'll ever get used to waking up for work this early. Most of the times for my early shifts Buck isn't up yet so I give him a cheek kiss and leave, locking the door behind me. Thankfully Maddie and I have the same shift. I got here around 2 hours before her shift started. I think whoever schedules me has it out for me with all the EARLY morning shifts I've received, "Stop thinking so hard I can smell the gears getting stuck," Maddie teases. I give her a look as I get a call.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?"

"There was a shooting on 3rd and Walsh, send an's bad"



The tv in the break room is on the news and they are showing the shooting. The call I took was from almost a half an hour ago. What is going on? I stand up and walk over seeing firefighters and police everywhere. Maddie touches my shoulder as we share the same gruesome look. A couple bodies lay under white blankets on the ground. Maddie takes her phone out as it rings putting it to her ear. Her hand grips mine as tears fall down her cheek. She turns to me shaking her head. The phone call goes dead as she frantically starts grabbing her things.

"Maddie, calm down what's happening?" I ask, taking my eyes off the news screen.

"It's Buck.....he was shot"

He was there. They said it was bad....he can't be dead. It's impossible. Maddie looks at me spiraling and grabs my hand. I put on a brave face for her. Maddie's his sister she's probably freaking out on the inside. I take her keys from her hand and run down the stairs with her. I push her towards the passenger seat and start the car up. I still get nervous when driving far distances but Maddie needs someone right now.

"Everything is going to be okay. Its Buck," I say forcing a smile. I hear my phone going off and see Eddie calling. I put the phone to my ear and hear fire trucks and sirens behind him.


"Are you with Maddie going to the hospital?" he asks me.

"Yeah, are you there?" I ask.

"I was in the ambulance with him, the rest of the team is still out there," He says trailing off at the end. I wanna ask but I know I wont wanna know the answer. He tells me to hurry as I hang up throwing my phone in my purse. I pull up to the front letting Maddie out as I park the car. I hate not knowing. I hate the thought of him not being okay. I grab the keys and lock the car sprinting towards the front. I almost get hit by a car pulling in and scream sorry. The lady at the front desk asks if I'm here for Evan Buckley and I shake my head. She tells me the room number and I run as fast as I can. A doctor yells at me to slow down. How can you expect someone to slow down in this kind of situation? I slow down as I get closer and walk into Eddie. He holds onto my arms as I look in the room. I see Maddie crying while holding onto his hand.

"Please, how bad is it?" I ask. He explains everything the doctor said and how we have to wait until he wakes up. The bullet punctured a lung and something happened causing him to lose oxygen to his brain for a short period of time.

"So, what does that mean?" I ask, trying to wrap my head around what's happening.

"We just have to wait and see what happens"

"You mean wait and see if he ever wakes up," I say, trying to fight the tears from falling out. I look at Eddie and see him staring at his best friend. I wanna know what happened but I don't want Eddie going through it again. I touch his arm scaring him our of his trance, "Are you okay?" I ask. He walks us towards a bench down the hallway. It's best if we give Maddie some time alone with him.

"I can't get the look on his face out of my head," he says, putting his hands over his face, "Buck watched me get shot last year and was able to care for Christopher. I don't know how he did it," He says. He got shot last year? Nevermind I'll ask another time.

"He was able to do it becuase of Christopher. Everything is going to be okay. He just needs some rest. Like I told Maddie, it's Buck he's invincible" I say, making him laugh.

"I'm just scared to lose my best friend. It's selfish of me to say I don't want Christopher to lose someone else, but Bucks like a second father to him," he says, wiping the one tear that fell from his eye.

"He's not gonna lose anyone. None of us are, " I say, seeing Maddie walking toward us. I move on the bench as she sits down next to me. She grabs my hand telling me to go see him. I give her a small smile quickly walking into the room. I wonder if he would be able to hear me if I talked to him.

"Hey,'s me....Erica. God this sounds stupid," I say laughing at myself. I grab his hand leaning down to kiss his cheek, "You should probably wake up soon. We are all really worried about you, 'I say, trying not to cry, "I really need you to wake up. I don't think I'll be able to do this if you aren't there with me. I know you jokingly said you loved me.....but I know I'm falling in love with you, " I whisper. I look at his eyes closed and the IV in his arm. I kiss his hand as the monitor starts playing a loud beep. I look at the vitals and see his heart stopped. I run to the door yelling for help as nurses come barreling in. I look over and see Maddie in Chimney's arms. Eddie runs over looking in the room as they close the door. He pulls me into his arms as I break down. He can't die.

Buck, can't die.

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