Part 8: Bucks Apartment

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--Erica's POV--

Christopher went with Carla a little over two hours ago. Eddie and Mickey may or may not have abandoned us a little while ago. We've all had quite a lot to drink. Evan and I are sitting on Eddie's couch talking about anything that comes to mind.

"You are something else," he says, putting his beer on the table.

"I'm hoping that's a good thing," I smile, hearing laughter from the other room. I wonder why he hasn't made another move since earlier. I excuse myself to the bathroom and follow his instructions of where it is. I close the door behind me and see my cheeks are slightly pink from the alcohol and from him. I splash some water on my cheeks and put on my lip gloss. I step out of the bathroom and walk back into the living room. He's still sitting on the couch but he doesn't have his jacket on anymore.

"How was your day at work?" I ask leaning on the door frame. He sits on the couch looking at me, "It was long, " He continues talking about his day as I move closer to him. If he wont make a move I will. The images of him saving people play in my head. Instead of sitting on the couch, I sit on his lap and put my hands on his shoulders. His hands move to my waist immediately. I bring my lips to his moving slowly against him. He moves us around so my back is on the couch and he's laying on top of us. His lips move to my neck, leaving messy kisses down it. I angle my neck to the side giving him more room to work as I move my hands to his arms and down to his waist. He kneels over me stripping his shirt off. I smile up at him towering over me, "We should go to my place". I nod my head and grab my purse as he puts his shirt on. He grabs his keys but I stop him, "We've been drinking," I point out.

"I had one beer. the rest was water," He tells me. I grab my phone and follow him to his car. I text Mickey that I'm going to Bucks place. Good thing she drove so she wont be stuck at Eddie's not, that she would mind. Evan puts his hand on my thigh and rushes to his place, "We don't have to if you don't want to," He reassures.

"I started it remember. We are both consenting adults," I tell him with a small laugh, putting my hand on his.

"I just dont want to rush you or this,' he says, pulling into his garage. He parks the car quickly getting out and walking with me to his apartment. I grab his hand and walk into his apartment. It's surprisingly clean. He pushes me against the wall, connecting our lips in a feverish kiss. He puts his hands on my thighs telling me to jump. I wrap my arms around his neck and feel him moving us around. I move my lips against his as he walks up the stairs. He tosses me on the bed taking his shirt off again, giving me a great view. He pulls me to the edge making me laugh. I stand up in front of him with our bodies pressed together. I take my shirt of and throw is to the side. I turn us around and push him on the bed this time. He smirks with a small laugh. I slide my pants down my legs and see him staring at the bandage on my side, "I'm okay, you saved me remember". He leans up touching the small scar on my side. I put my arms around his neck, feeling the heat of his skin against mine.

I did not expect things to move so quickly.

Falling For the Firefighter  - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now