Part 6: Fire Alarm

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---Erica's POV---

I told my boss that I wouldn't be able to come into work for a couple weeks because of the accident. They fired me on the spot which feels illegal. Now I've been sitting in the apartment as a freeloader for a week. First I get hit by a fucking truck and now I have no source of income. I haven't told Evan yet but I was thinking about stopping by the firehouse. It's not a far walk and the doctors said I should try going on walks so my muscles don't stay as sore as they are.

I kind of wish Mickey and Danny were here on this walk but they left for work around 3 pm. The route to the firehouse feels like I'm on my way to work, I just have to make a right instead of going straight. I get to the intersection of the accident and freeze. Cars zoom past getting to where they need to be. My hair slightly moves with their speed. I can't do this. Instead of going across I turn on that corner and walk down the hill. I used some of my savings to get a new phone and I was able to get the sim card out of my old one. I look at my GPS and find a less busy intersection that I can cross to get there.

Maybe this was a bad idea. I see a bunch of firefighters walking around the garage. I haven't seen Evan or anyone I recognize yet. My head starts getting cloudy so I continue walking in and find a small couch in the corner. I put my hands on my head and see my vision going back to normal. I look up and see Evan with his shirt off behind a glass wall. He's standing by lockers talking to someone. I hear my name being said and look over seeing Chimney walking towards me. I stand up too quickly and almost fall back down. He runs over but I just smile from the couch.

"Hey, I wanted to say thank you for everything you guys did," I say, feeling awkward for even coming. Chimney takes his walkie talkie and holds it down saying, "we have a visitor". I mentally groan at the grand announcement. I look over and make eye contact with Evan and Eddie behind the glass. This is one way to meet everyone. Evan comes jogging over while putting on a work shirt. Chimney helps me stand up and I thank him quietly.

"What are you doing here?" Evan smiles.

"I wanted to say thank you to the team for helping me," I tell him, feeling my cheeks light up. Foot steps come from behind us and I see Hen come into view, "The infamous Erica, Buck wont shut up about," she teases. I lift an eyebrow looking at him and smirk, getting an eyeroll. He looks good in his uniform. Very tightly fit. The group disbands leaving Evan and I alone in the common room. He leads me into a smaller room I'm assuming they sleep in for long shifts. He leans against one of the bunks staring down at me.

"One other thing. You wont be seeing me at the corner store anymore. I was fired for not being available," I say with a small smile. His face is hard to read but I can tell he feels bad.

"Think of it as more time to find a career you actually care about," He points out. I run a hand through my hair getting stressed out. He grabs my hand like he did in the ambulance and stands up straight in front of me, "It's going to be okay". His eyes trap mine with his. I don't know if he moved closer or if I did but the ghost of his lips barely touches mine as the alarms sound throughout the building. I can feel him hesitantly pulling away. My teeth catch my lips in between them as he runs a hand down my arm before leaving the room. I watch the team pile into the truck while leaning on the door frame.

On my way home I stopped by a small market and picked up ingredients to make dinner. They should be home in an hour which means I should have it done by the time they get there.

"What smells so good in here?" Mickey asks while opening the door. She walks into the kitchen after kicking off her shoes and sits on the counter. I continue making my specialty and smile as she steals some of the left over ingredients. The door opens again and Danny comes walking in. I hear loud footsteps run over, "Don't tell me it's Erica's specialty," he smiles. Mickey sets out the plates and sits down waiting for the food. I only make this once a year maybe twice. It was the first meal I made when I moved in. I wanted to show my gratitude for letting me in. We all sit down in our usual seats and divvy out the food.

"So, how was your first day of official unemployment?" Danny asks stuffing his face.

"I visited Evan so it was pretty good," I smile getting an oooh from Mickey.

"Did you guys do it in the fire truck?" She asks making me choke on my food.

"Mick we haven't even kissed yet"

"You guys haven't?" Danny asks.

"Its not like we are dating. We have seen each other twice outside of my work. We almost kissed today but got interrupted by the fire alarm," I laugh. I rip off a piece of bread and dip it into the sauce.

"A hot man like that probably gets some at least once a week," Mickey says making me think. He's definitely more experienced than me I just never thought of that. A hot firefighter in LA and he's talking to me. Now there's so much pressure.

After dinner Mickey and Danny say they will clean up cause I cooked. I go into the bathroom and take the bandages off my hand. I move my hand, opening and closing it. It's a little sore but I'm okay. I check the bandage on my waist and clean it before changing the covering.

Hopefully it all goes away soon.

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