Chapter 48: Flirting?

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--Erica's POV--
The door slams shut as Bucks walks into the apartment laughing with Eddie, "I'm assuming your first day back went well," I ask as he nods his head going to the fridge to get Eddie a drink.

"It was a weird day for sure," Eddie says as he sits at the counter, "Have you ever heard of a funeral before your dead?" He asks making me laugh. I turn my head to look at Buck and he looks serious.

"Wait, that's a thing?" I ask completely confused.

The guys go into full detail about their day and most of the time I'm stunned by the detail. Their lives feel like a movie but then I remember how dumb people can be, "Is it okay that Chimney and Bobby are coming over?" Bucks asks as I nod my head.

"Yeah cause this little one," I whisper picking Lydia up from her rocker, "Has a play date with Maddie and Jee," I tell him.

"Do you want a ride?" He asks.

"No, I'll be fine. Just make sure you don't drink too much. You're still taking some meds," I tell him making Eddie laugh.

"You guys aren't even married yet and you're already acting like an old married couple," he says making me smile as I look at the ring on my finger. Soon my phone starts ringing and I'm being pulled away by Hen and Maddie telling me to hurry up. The guys help me grab her things as I slip my shoes on. I hang up the phone after telling them I'll be there shortly. When I shove my phone in my pocket I find myself twirling around to try and find my keys. Bucks taps me on the shoulder and I turn around seeing them in his hand.

"I'll see you later?" I question as she nods his head giving me a quick kiss.

It takes nearly twenty minutes to get to their place with all the traffic. Right when I walk in Hen takes Lydia from my hands with a big smile, "I swear she's grown so much since I've last seen her last week," she says as I drop all her bags at the door.

"I do not miss that phase," Maddie says making me laugh.

"I know I feel like even with all this stuff I'm still forgetting something," I tell her as she beckons me into the kitchen. My smile doubles when I see May sitting with a cup of coffee. She runs over and tackles me in a hug.

"I've missed you," she yells as Hen walks over with Lydia.

"We need more girl's nights," May says taking Lydia into her arms as I grab a cup of coffee.

"I agree. What's been happening in everyone's lives?" I ask as we walk into the living room to sit.

"Did the guys tell you about the call today?" Hen asks with a laugh. I nod my head and she gives me a shocked look, "Did he tell you about the girl flirting with him?" She asks making me furrow my eyebrows.

"No....he left that part out," I tell her as I sip on my cup.

"He was just tending to her injuries. Then they started talking about death and Buck seemed pretty interested in what she had to say," she says casually. I can't help the jealous feeling rising in my chest as I think about him and another woman.

"That makes sense since he died after being struck by lightning," Maddie says as I nod my head in agreement.

"Come on. You don't think Buck would entertain the idea of someone else, do you?" May asks as I shake my head.

"Of course not. I've accepted a long time ago that he's an attractive guy and women would take notice of that," I tell them.

The rest of the night goes by and I can't get the feeling out of my chest. Maybe it's the hormones from having the baby. He didn't even do anything wrong. I'm not mad at him. Honestly, it would have been weirder if he did tell me about a woman flirting with him, "You okay?" Maddie asks as I walk into the kitchen to put my cup in the sink.

"Yeah. I think I'm just running on fumes. Lydia has been up all hours of the night," I tell her.

"And now that Buck's back at work," she says as I nod my head.

"Anytime one of us isn't home she misses the other parent. It's adorable but also frustrating that there is nothing we can do," I tell her.

"I might have something that can help," she says walking out of the kitchen. I lean against the counter and soon she's walking back in with a wrapped box, "I was going to give it to you a couple of days ago but left it here," she says handing it over. She sees the look on my face and I smile as I unwrap the paper. It's a bear with a speaker inside of it, "I thought that since you guys work opposite of you could record your voice. It helped Jee when she was younger. It will remind her of you guys," she says as I give her a hug with a thank you.

"This is perfect," I tell her as I look at the packaging. When we walk back into the living room she immediately starts crying and I look at the clock.

"It's past her bedtime. I should get home," I tell them as Hen passes me her things. May follows me out with her purse to the parking garage.

"Anytime you need a babysitter I'm available," she says as I thank her. I hug her after securing the car seat and she says goodbye before walking to her car. I send Buck a quick "on my way" text and start the car. I make sure I can see Lydia's face in the mirror before backing out.

As I unlock the door of the apartment I can hear the guys talking in the living room. I quickly put Lydia to bed before walking back into the kitchen, "Hey if it isn't the almost Buckley," Bobby says as he comes in with dirty dishes.

"I cannot believe he's making you clean," I tell him as Buck walks in with a smirk.

"I'm not making him do anything," he sasses bringing in the leftover snacks, "How was girl's night?" He asks as I shrug my shoulders.

"It was good to see everyone again," I tell him, "How was guy's night?" I ask. He looks at Bobby over his shoulders and they both just say it was nothing special.

"You should get to bed. I'll be in shortly after I finish cleaning," he says giving me a kiss. I ask if he's sure and he ushers me off with a smile.

Falling For the Firefighter  - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now