Chapter 36: the news

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--Erica's POV--
"So what's with the dinner party?" Chim asks as he walks in holding Jee. Maddie gives me a look and I just offer them some wine. He immediately takes the offer and joins the rest of the group on the couch. I was going to invite Mickey but thought it would be best to keep her and Eddie separated. He seems to have forgiven her when she explained but I don't think they will be friends anytime soon. Which I understand completely.

I look in the kitchen and living room and see that everyone is accounted for. Buck puts his hand on my waist and I lean my head on his shoulder, "Ready?" He asks. I nod my head as we call everyone to the table. My hands begin to sweat as they gather around. May gives me a weird look as she sees me playing with my nails. I excuse myself to the kitchen to grab the food. Buck takes it from my hands and places it in the middle of the table. He's been weird all week about letting me lift things. I'm not even into my second trimester and he's watching me like a hawk.

"So tonight is a very special night," Buck says as he sits down at the head of the table. Everyone looks over at him as he takes my hand in his, "we have an announcement and wanted to share it with you like a family," he says looking at me with nothing but love in his eyes.

"Holy shit," Hen whispers as she grabs my other hand looking for a ring. I laugh as she looks at him confused.

"We are having a baby," he announces making everyone freak out. Bobby and Athena look at us with wide eyes and wide smiles not believing the news. May jumps up and pulls me into a hug.

"When did this happen?" Athena asks as everyone hugs each other.

"About 6 weeks ago," I tell them as I take my seat next to Buck again, "We were just as surprised as you guys".

"Aww now Jee can have a cousin for a best friend," Chim says making me smile. I never even thought of that.

"Congratulations," Hen says holding up her glass. We cheer to the news as I drink my water with May. She was very happy to know she wasn't going to be the only one not drinking at the beginning of the night. I can see Bobby looking at Buck with a look I've never seen on his face before.

I get dragged into a conversation with the girls as Buck looks at him back.

"I'm really happy for you two. I couldn't think of a better parenting duo," Athena says as she pulls me in for a hug. I thank her as May walks over talking about something from work. I open the door to take out some of the trash that has piled up and hear Bobby's voice from down the hall. I lean against the door trying to hear him as everyone talks in the apartment.

"Are you sure you've thought this through?" Bobby asks sounding concerned for Buck. My heart pangs as Buck stays silent while his boss who's basically his dad questions his choices, "Don't get me wrong. Erica is amazing and I think you guys are a great match," he says as Buck interrupts him.


"You two haven't even been dating a year yet, you're not married, and you both have just experienced traumatic now the time to be having a baby?" He asks. Buck sighs and I can practically hear his thoughts as he takes in Bobby's words.

"I know it's sudden and trust me it freaked me out at first. But I can't help but feel like this was meant to happen," he explains passionately.

"Are you prepared for the responsibilities that come with being a dad?" He asks.

"Come on Bobby I'm the best babysitter in the game," he jokes making the older man laugh. I shut the door silently when I realize they are finishing their conversation. I occupy myself in the kitchen and make eye contact with Maddie across the room. She gives me a raised eyebrow and a smirk which means I was caught red-handed.

I give her a small smile in return as everyone starts gathering their things to head home. Half of the group has a shift tomorrow including me. Thankfully it's a night shift with May, so it won't be too bad. Everyone says a final congratulations as they hug us goodbye. By the time everyone is out of the door we are both exhausted. I always forget how draining hosting it but it's fun.

"How about we clean up tomorrow and go to bed now?" Buck says as he's halfway toward the stairs. I nod my head in agreement and take his outstretched hand. Our bodies immediately become a jumbled mess on the bed as I relax in his arms.

"Tonight went well," I point out as he rubs my arm.

"It did..." he says trailing off at the end.

I move my body so I'm leaning up to look at his face, "I might have eavesdropped on your conversation with Bobby," I tell him feeling guilty.

"Oh? He's just doing his overprotective dad duties," he says seeming nervous.

"I know and I'm thankful he did. I just really want his approval cause of how important he is to you. I understand his hesitation to accept this news," I explain playing with the hem of Buck's collar.

"Everyone else loved the idea and he's on board now," he tells me, "So don't worry that pretty little head," he says making me smile. I give him a small kiss before getting off the bed to change. I see Buck looking at me with suggestive eyes and holding my hand up.

"This," I tell him pointing to my stomach, "happened cause of that look," I point out making him laugh. He stands up from the bed and changes out of his clothes into something to sleep in. Tonight went a lot faster than I thought it would.

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