Chapter 39: Father Buck

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--Erica's POV--

"Hey, Buck...umm give me a callback. My water broke and my contractions are getting closer and closer together," I say into my phone after the third phone call. I grab the bag we have by the door and call Mickey, "please pick up please pick up," I mumble as I get into the elevator. I lean against the wall when the phone stops ringing.

"What's up, girl?" She asks as she hears me heavily breathing on the other end.

"My water broke and I can't get ahold of Buck," I tell her. There's movement on the other end and a door slamming.

"On my way," she says as I make it outside of the gilding. I thank her and hang up as I try to call Buck again.

"Mickey is driving me to the hospital. Im not sure where you are but I love you and I hope you get this," I breathe trying to stay calm. This can't be happening. He's never not picked up my calls. I try to call Eddie but it goes straight to voicemail. Fuck. They have to be in the field or something.

Mickey's car comes speeding down the corner as she honks her horn. I wave my hand and she jumps out and helps me to the passenger seat, "I thought you were due next week?" She asks helping me in. I nod my head and hold onto the door as she speeds off. The hospital isn't too far away.

When we pull into the front she runs to my side and helps me to my feet. She makes sure I'm safe inside with someone before going to park her car. As I'm being pushed in a wheelchair to a room I see groups of people in the lobby supporting minor injuries as nurses run around, "What's happening?" I ask looking around.

"Major fire at a festival around the corner," she says as she gets me in a room, "Someone will be in shortly to get you situated," she says as she helps me into a bed. It will probably be hours before the baby comes but this is stressful alone. The inside of my lip is cut to shreds as I continually bite on it.

I grab the handle of the bed as a contraction comes, tears already falling down my face. I need him. I need him to be here, "What's happening?" Mickey asks as she runs into the room. She sees me freaking out and takes her phone out to try and get ahold of someone. Nothing seems to work as another doctor comes into the room.


"You're almost there, about 7 centimeters," he says as he takes his gloves off. I nod my head and thank him as he walks out leaving Mickey and me alone.

"I'll go get you some water," she says as I close my eyes resting my head on the bed. My phone has been abandoned on a table across the room as time goes by. My eyes fly open as the door slams open and Buck runs in covered in sweat, still in his uniform. It's like the world freezes as our eyes connect. As soon as they do the tears flow out of my eyes from the pain and exhaustion. He breaks as he runs over wrapping his arms around my torso.

"I'm so sorry. I was at this crazy fire and I didn't have my phone on me," he whispers.

"I don't care, you're here now," I tell him finally feeling the anxiety leave my body, "I was so scared," I say barely above a whisper as his finger rubs along my cheek.

"I'll always be here," he says sitting down in the chair next to the bed. His hands never leave mine as we stare at each other. The emotions are too overwhelming as we wait for our little girl to enter this world.

"Nice to finally show," Mickey says putting the water on the tray next to me.

"Thank you for being here," he says as she nods her head with a smile. She gives me a mock salute before excusing herself to go to the lobby.

"I know it's too late but I don't think I can do this. Like pushing a baby? How is that possible?" I ramble as I look at all the equipment in the room. Another contraction comes and my hands crush around Bucks as the pain seems to never end.

"Think about the baby socks," he says making me laugh. I nod my head and try to focus on the good things that are to come.

Falling For the Firefighter  - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now