Chapter 42: Trust Building

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Chapter 42- Trust building 

            During Easter break the team didn't really have much going on. I starting talking with Cassie and Conner casually talking. I was able to talk to Miss M a few time without feeling like I should go drown in a river. Garfield just seemed to be trying to figure me out.

             I was watching some cartoons once and Garfield came and sat next to me. "So, I didn't think you'd like this show," he sank into the chair. I smirked, "What am I not allowed to like anything normal?"             "No," he rolled his eyes. "So, you are not as bad as I thought. Cure, you fight really hard no matter what the case is, right?"

             "Of corse. No matter what, If I don't give it my all, it's a failure."

            "So, you and Rob seem friendly with each other."

            "Well, I guess so. Do I like him, is that what you mean?" I laughed. He actually allowed himself to let out a slight chuckle. "Well, yeah! What else?"

            My lips curved to a smiled, he was finally starting to trust me. After fighting me and weeks of observation! He was opening up, and so was I. "I might have a thing for him. We might be an 'item'. I don't know if that's just a term used on TV or in real life."

            "Not really."

            We watched TV with a lot less tension and weirdness in the air. Something still made me feel bad. "Listen, I'm sorry for putting you out that day. It must be hard trying to trust someone with whom you've only ever been able to associate the word villain with." Where did that come from? Where was that when I needed to write an essay last week?

            "It's okay. I'm sorry for ignoring you ever since you came here."

            Finally, the elephant in the room stepped out and vanished. After this, Garfield and I found a new friendship. This included nights of video games, cartoons, you know, dude stuff, I even got to know Blue Beetle, Jaime Reyes. Let's just say I didn't exactly care to formally introduce myself to Lagan, he was still cool though. He just has an annoying attitude.

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