Chapter 14: Drunken Tim

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Chapter 14: Drunken Tim

         The meetings were over and I was back at Mentor's lair by Sunday at two o'clock. Me and him were always really stright forward, so since we both knew he got all the information already, he told me "Good job," and then allowed me into my room. 

         I changed into my normal clothes and unpacked my bag. Surprisingly Martin wasn't here to annoy me. My thoughts scrambled around my head without a single hope of sorting. The entire place was really quiet so when my phone rang I couldn't help but jump out of my skin. 

         "Uh, hi," I answered. It was Tim. "Hey Al, wassup?" 

         "Nothing much, just bored." I threw myself  into my bean bag chair. "Yeah me too. It's really cold outside for a change don't you think?" 

         I had to check outside just to be sure. "Yeah." 

     "So uh, Rod from school is having a party later. He wanted me to invite you. It starts at eight, you want to check it out?" 

         "Uh, sure. I don't see why not." It'll get my mind off Robin. 

         "Great so, you want me to pick you up at your apartment or do you want to meet there." I wasn't even aware he knew were my apartment was. "My apartment is fine." 

         We said our awkward goodbye and then I jumped into my bed. I've never even been to a party with my peers. It sucks. 

         Later that day, after I drove home slept a little and got ready, Tim called me on the com so I had to open the door for him. I was just lacing up my knee-high high-tops. By the time I was done he was knocking on my door. 

         "Hey Tim,"I cheerfully swung open my door. "Hey Al, I can see you're ready," he laughed. "So are we like, gonna take the bus?" 

         He leaned on the arch outline of the door, "Actually, Adam got his license a few weeks ago and he said he'd drive us. He's in his car outside waiting for us with Tina." 

         I grabbed my phone and closed the door behind us. "last one to the elevator is a rotten egg," he dashed in front of me. We raced down the hall and screeched to a halt in front of the elevator doors. He hit the button and we anxiously waited. "I win," he stuck out his tongue. I laughed but then stopped. What happened with Robin was really scratching at my insides, I needed to tell someone. The only person I could possibly tell was him or Icicle junior. Icicle junior already knows though. 

         "Hey i've gotta tell you something crazy, but you can't tell anyone," we stepped into elevator. "Okay, I won't tell anybody," he pushed the button. "Okay so... yesterday I had my first kiss," I thought the elevator was gonna stop so I paused. "You won't believe who it was with though."

        He laughed, "Uh... I don't feel like guessing so just tell me."

         "You know the Robin, the boy wonder?"

         We left the elevator. "You're lying. Were'd you even meet him?" 

        "Uh, I'll tell you some other time."

         "You're lying. The boy wonder wouldn't go for a lame chick like you," he rolled his eyes. "For your information, I can get any guy I want. I just don't like anyone at the moment," I folded my arms. He laughed excessively.  

         We got outside and rode in Adam's two door car. On our way there Tina kept complimenting and talking about school. 

         Once we got there it was complete chaos, in the way that a high school party is expected to be. People dancing, drinking, making out, the whole nine yards. About thirty minutes through me and Tim got separated and I sort of just listened to idiots babble about their lives. I did this until Tina saved me and told me that she saw Tim on the dance floor looking for me. She then dragged me their to look for him. 

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