Chapter 28

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Chapter 28:

***Tim's POV***

My eyes were forever narrowed as I poured cereal into the white bowl. They clicked and clacked as they hit the bowl. "Good Morning," Bruce Greeted me and Alfred. "Mornin."

I took bites of cereal really fast. I had to be at school in thirty minutes. Damn these Freshman period one classes. Period one starts eight in the morning. When I was with my cereal I went into the car. We were at Gotham Academy in about fifteen minutes.

When I got into class Tina immediately approached me asking questions about Al. "Hey Tim, have you heard from Alex?" I grunted, one of the people that don't realize that they're annoying me by asking for her all the time. "No I haven't. I think she went to live with her dad."

"Oh my god! Are her parents divorced! I feel so terrible!" She was talking so damn loud. Couldn't Al have made friends with someone that wasn't going to annoy me when she disappeared?

As I walked through the halls girls giggled and boys laughed whole heartedly. Still knowing the rumors. Most have dismissed it saying I don't have the balls to do that. How I'm just some straight A nerd and that I wouldn't be able to get a girl like that. It's whatever. These kids down know anything about me.

After school me, Rodney, and Derek went to the park and played basketball. We played a three on three game against some seniors and totally creamed them. I was sweating so much my hair wouldn't keep up and fell into my face. They laughed at me and I sheepishly kept pushing it up.

"Hey! Tim!" A recognizable voice called me from behind. We all turned to see a red headed guy that looked around twenty one. Wally West of corse, Dick's best friend. A.K.A kid flash, but he has sort of put his costume of the shelf. He'll be back though. I hope. "To Tim, you know this guy?," Rod pointed with his thumb. "Uhh.... I'll be right back," I jogged to him.

"Hey Wally," greeted politely. "Hey so, Dick says you've been having girl trouble. He wants me to talk you about it." I rolled my eyes, "And why couldn't he have talked to me himself."

"You know Dick, he's always busy and disappearing without a trace."

"Yeah," I chuckled. "Let me just talk to you about it. That all he wants."

I grunted, "Fine! I was going to leave soon anyway." I ran back to my friends. "So, are you gonna tell us who that guy is?" I picked up my bag, "He's a family friend. I have to go, bye guys. See you in school."

Wally and I began walking through the park. "So this girl, he name is Alexandra right?"

"Yeah, I call her Alex or Al."

"Seems like you two were really informal."

"Yeah," I sighed.

"And, she's like, a bad guys daughter right?"

I nodded, "well, not his daughter biologically. His apprentice and sidekick."

From the stories I imagine him thinking, 'Don't call us sidekicks.' "You know Artemis is sportsmaster and huntress' daughter?"

"Yeah, but Artemis doesn't want to be like her family. Al has nothing but respect for her Mentor."

"From what Dick says, she seems a really good kid. And the fact that Artemis is good is proof that people with bad blood can be just as good as other heroes."

"What are you saying?"

He grunted, "Dick thinks that she'd be a good addition to the team."

What the hell? Where was this coming from. Does Dick really think that she'd actually change sides just like that? "That sounds great but I really don't think she'd actually take the offer. I mean, not only will she be betraying the person that gave her everything but everyone on the team knows her," I paused. "As Cure. Gar was even telling me how fast she was and how before he knew it he was unconscious."

I heard him murmur, " let's face it, she can't be that fast," under his breath and couldn't help but laugh. "Listen, Dick really does think this is a good idea and he even asked Batman. He think it'd be good too."

My face turned red, "What? He told Bats! How much did he tell?"

He laughed, "He knew you'd say that. He said only as much as he needed to. He also said he asked Megan to deliver a note it to Cure that sort of said that she could do better." I felt myself spike, "That's never going to work."

"Well, he thinks that you would be able to convince her."

I looked down, "I don't want to do that just because Dick tells me to. If I ask her to join the team, I want to ask her because I want to."

"So, you don't want to?" His eye brow went up. "I'm not sure yet. Maybe. It's just, I don't know if that's best for her."

He smiled warmly, "Wow Tim, you're such a good kid." I laughed, well, I guess."

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