Chapter 6: Bruised

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     After the fight Robin had with "Cure" he limped into bed and stayed there until noon the next day. There was a knocking at the door. Tim turned over in his sheets and grunted, "Come in." Alfred walked in and could not help but laugh at Tim's pitifulness. "I don't need anything, I'm tired. Go away," he buried his head in a pillow. " Master Dick would like to have a word with you downstairs."

            "Tell him I'm not moving so he better get his scrawny ass up here if he wants to see me."              "Well, well, well. Someone isn't in a very good mood? Get dumped by that Alex girl?" Dick entered the room laughing. "She has a boyfriend. I guess it's not my business cause otherwise she might've told me!" Tim threw a pillow at Dick's face. "Calm down bro. Alfred, can me and him talk alone for a bit?" Dick sat at the ledge of Tim's bed.  Alfred nodded and left the room closing the door behind him.              "It seems like your really bothered by this? What happened, before last night," Dick threw the pillow back into Tim's face.

           "Nothing! She got picked up after school by that Martin guy who apparently is her boyfriend who she doesn't like to tell anyone about," Tim covered his face in with the covers again.

             "Tim... Do you like her? I mean, liking the enemy isn't exactly a good thing but.... If you like her it's not a problem," Dick spoke gently. "I don't like her!," Tim snapped, "Everyone asks if I like her. People even think we're going out! I don't like her that way at all!"

            "Really?" Dick pulled out Tim's phone from his pocket," Cause even your good friends think that." Tim tried to snatch the phone but Dick pulled it back. "That's an invasion of privacy!" Dick laughed, "I can hack into most computers on this side of the planet. Do you really think I care about privacy?"              And then he started reading the messages.

                  " Three thirty pm, from Adam:

             - Yo, u okay?

               -That Alex girl, you like her right?

               - Dude, just get over her. She's got a boyfriend, you saw them kiss and when she got on the back of his motorcycle. Doubt she's gonna give that up.

                Nine O'clockpm from Tina:

         -Hey Tim. Are you alright?

         - I feel bad that you had to see Alex and her incredible bf. If you wanna talk about it I'm here.

               Six O'clock this morning from Alex:

         -Hey Tim. I feel bad for bailing on you yesterday. I'm not gonna be at school today though. My dad called me home and I didn't have enough time to travel -"

              Tim snatched the phone away from Dick and threw it at the wall. "Enough alright! I don't want to hear any of her BS!" Dick just stood there, dumbstruck. He got up and began out the door,"Well, whatever happened yesterday, your obviously mad, but your going to talk to her today." Tim finally got up close the door as Dick walked out, "If I do what's it gonna matter. She's too smart to tell someone her secret identity or anything about Cancer. I didn't think she'd be this hard of a nut to open."

                 "Maybe, but you cant give up. If you give up, what kind of a Robin would people call you?" And then Dicks voice disappeared. "Ugh," Tim jumped onto his bed again. To his surprise his phone still worked and it began ringing on the highest volume. He reached his arm to where it had fallen and opened the phone. "Um, Hello"

            "Hey Tim, it's lunchtime at school so I can call now, right?" Alex's voice trailed into his ear. The same voice that belonged to the person that had been ruthlessly fighting him the night before. He was temped to take the phone and through it at the door but he held back and tried to sound happy. "No actually I didn't go to school today. I woke up late and I'm not exactly feeling my best."

                "Your not feeling well. Do you have a fever?"

              "I'm not sure"

              "Do you want me to pick anything up for you? Anything at all, it's fine."

             "No. I mean, I'm not THAT sick. I kinda just have a cold, but it's mainly gone now."

               There was a long pause. "Okay then. I'll call you later to see how your doing."

               Tim couldn't stand hearing her voice but yet he wanted to see her as just Alex.  "Actually Al, your back right? Do you want to do something? The fresh air will do me some good."

               "Sure, Where do you want to meet?" Tim felt the bruise on his chest, "Meet me by the seaport, in an hour. I have to go, bye."

             "Bye Tim." And she hung up.

                 "What are you thinking Tim," he whispered to himself, "You need to get your head on straight and take this task more serious." 

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