Chapter 35

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Chapter 35:

  I quietly sat in my room until a loud knock on my door shook my ear drums. Through the peep hole was Tim wearing a red sweater and black skinny jeans. The moment the door unlocked he pushed it open and hugged me tightly. "I thought something terrible had happened." He close the door and embraced me again.

  He forced me into a long, wet kiss. My eyes were closed so all I could feel was his warm body near mine. When we broke apart, I gasped for breath, I had forgotten to breath through my nose. "Tim, I'm alright," I looked at him dead in the eyes and smiled. When he was with me, a warm light came on in my body and that made me feel like a child on Christmas. A child, being a person younger and I.

  "Are you sure," he sat on the bed, gym style. I sat next to him and placed my head on his shoulder. His whole face was pink. "I don't feel like I owe Mentor anymore. I want to do what's right. And...." I stopped and looked up at him. "I want to be with you." I moved myself and kissed him. For the first time, I kissed HIM, Tim Drake and Robin. I didn't pay attention to how long I kissed him, but lets just say long.

  He ended up being too forceful and pushing me into the bed. We lied next to each other, on the blankets, thinking.

  "Does the 'boss' know about this?" I stared at the design on the ceiling. He grinned, "Know? He's the cause."

  I allowed myself to chuckle, at least I'd have someone who wanted me there other than Tim. We were quiet again.

  "Do you want me to stay over with you tonight or go home and tell bats?" I could feel his heart beating faster again through the vibration on the bed. "You should go and keep them up to date."  

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