Chapter 23: Fool Written on her Arms

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Chapter 23: Fool Written on her Arms

             I pulled away from Tim. The warmth from that day seemed unmistakable. After staring at him without thinking I began staring downward. How could I look at him? "Tim... Why do you feel like Robin?" How was I so foolish. Years of training and I'm still just as gullible as the day I started. "I was going to tell you before but..." He stopped. "Because you needed information about Cancer right? You still need information don't you, isn't that right?"

            He looked at me confusingly. "No, that's not it. Well, at first that's what it was suppose to be but..." He paused again.

            I finally looked up at him. For the first time since meeting this imbecile I didn't care how sincere his eyes were. They were filled with lies... HOW ANNOYING. It wasn't even like our paths crossed by accident, this was all his fault. He introduced himself to me.

             "Listen Al, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you but, this isn't just about information."

          "Oh shut up!" I abruptly stood ups "Don't call me Al, you don't know me like that anymore. I don't want to see you anymore. As for Cure, she couldn't be more excited." I stormed outside and marched all the way home.

             I can't believe I've become so weak, I muttered to myself as I changed into my usual jeans, shirt, and jacket. I threw a bunch of clothes into my bag, grabbed my helmet, and the next thing I knew i was doing was speeding down the highway.

             I contemplated. The least he could've done was say sorry for all the trouble he's put me in. Or using me like any other pansy girl. He calls himself a hero yet partakes in such devilish actions. I hate people like that,it's why I don't like most "villains". It's why I like junior and not anyone else in the villain community. Everyone else has less emotion than a brick wall

.              The tears coming down my face became too overwhelming for me to continue driving. I stopped at a gas station that was also a donut shop.

            While sipping my hot chocolate I forced myself to check my phone. Five texts, three messages, and four missed calls. One of the messages and missed calls were Tim, or should I say Robin? I deleted it, the second message was from Mentor. He says, "Junior is over helping me with a project. Come over if you want." He was giving me a choice, that's different. The third was from Junior saying just about the same thing only he offered egging some houses if I came in time. It was only six thirty, and because there was no traffic I was almost half way there. I'd make it in time.

            The text messages were all from Tina except two. Tina asked  where I was and I didn't care what Robin had to say. The last was from Martin, it stated, Have fun 'observing'! What a joke. I finished my coffee, crushed the cup and threw it into the garbage using way too much strength than was needed. "Hey! Are you cosplaying someone from one of those cool fighting shows?" The worker leaned over the counter intrigued. "Yeah, I'm on my way to a party."

             I slammed my helmet on my head and sped off again. There was no police or cars on the road. Everyone was patrolling the streets or had families to go home to, I guess. I enjoyed the way the wind knocked the neat curls out of my hair. I didn't like my hair all frilly and curly, it wasn't me.

              Once I was at mentor's house, I'm not even going to call it lair, there was no need. The lair was in the house, it just had easy access from the back. I placed my hand onto the scanner and entered through the front door. "Hello!" I yelled. My voice echoed through the entire house. There was a running up the stairs. "Al!" Junior ran to me and gave me a hug, "Happy Halloween! I knew you'd come!" If it wasn't for me figuring out Tim's game, he would've been very disappointed.

            "When did you start addressing me as Al?" I hugged him back and tried to smile. "Geeze, so cold Al. You sure you don't have ice powers too?" Back at the meeting he barely even addressed me by my name for the sole reason of not calling me Al, or Ally, or Alex, etc. I'd swear I almost heard him whisper "Alexander the Great" while I was presenting. Such hilarious informality. I don't really like using his real name, Cameron Mahkent. I never will able to get used to it. 

             "So, I heard you went to a dance. You had any fun," he whispered doing a little eyebrow dance. I rolled my eyes and started walking to the kitchen. "So, you wanna go trick or treating or something?" He laughed as I air drank apple juice from the bottle.

            "Can I just, put on a cape and mask and we can go for a walk?" I lazily threw the bottle back into the fridge. "Yeah sure, I'll be in the family room."

            I ran to my room and tried to fold in the emotions I was feeling. It felt as if my head was going to burst of containment. I put on any random assortment and a random cape and mask and called myself a hero. This suited me much more, rather than an expensive dress, or heavy make up.

            Later, Junior and I walked through a neighborhood. Knocking on the doors with decoration.             "Hey Junior, you can keep a secret right?"

            He grabbed a piece of chocolate and bit into it. "Well yeah, I kept your secret about Robin. Imagine how Martin would act if he found out who your first kiss was." You could hardly make out his words with the chocolate in his mouth. "Yeah well, can you to keep another one?"

            He swallowed hard and lowered his bag of sweets from his collarbone to normal hand length.            I told Junior everything, and this was something important. "Yeah sure what is it." This was his 'big brother' mode that he only made visible when with me.

            I could hold in the tears anymore, I felt them fall in singles. Down my cheeks and to my chin. "Al! What's wrong?"

            I wiped my cheeks, "Well, I found out why Robin kissed me." He looked both ways and led me to a corner. "Didn't I say you don't have to sorry about it?" He placed his huge cold hands on my shoulders. "Well, It turns out he's my best," I stopped abruptly. "Was, my best friend. And he only wanted information." The tears started again. They fell more like Niagara Falls this time.

            "You're joking... Al?"

             I shook my head. "Mentor sent me to look for suspiciousness but they were already half way there."

            "Wait, but this doesn't go together. Why'd he kiss you? How did you find out he was Robin? Who is he?"

            I couldn't tell him Robin was Tim. At least I've got the respect to keep a secret. I'm sure the entire Justice League knows who I am by now. "I can't tell you who he is. But, I knew it was him after," I hugged Junior tightly. "I kissed him again."

             "Thank goodness, I thought you were going to say something else," he sighed it of relief. "You think too dirty." I chuckled.  He patted my back.  We walked to a nearby park and I told him everything. Everything but Tim's identity.

           "Alex, you really like him don't you," he started playing with a rock.

            "Yeah, I guess I do."

            "But you know, he's an *** though right?"

            "Yeah, it sucks."

           "So what now? Are you gonna just, get over him? I don't think it's gonna be that simple."

             "I'll manage."     

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