Chapter 57: A final goodbye to my old life (part two)

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Chapter 57

  3rd person POV-

            The slightly smaller than normal sized Martin looked past the thick glass at his Uncle sitting hopelessly in an orange jumpsuit and power containment neck bracer.

          "Listen Martin, I have a plan," he whispered.

          "I don't want to hear it..." Martin interrupted him. For the first time in his entire life, Martin had spoke against his Uncle. "Listen, 'Cancer'! I'm really done with this. I'm sorry but I need to do what is right from now on."

          "Excuse me?" Cancer's eyebrows raised.

          "I've been thinking about this for a long time and..." He paused, "I can't be your servant anymore, and neither could Al."

        "So you're leaving me now, you don't want anything to do with me after I practically raised you."          "You only actually started showing any kind of emotion towards me when Al left!" He snapped. "It's like I said, I need to be my own person. So this may be the last time I get to see you as ally's. goodbye, sir."          "Fine, goodbye Martin" Cancer looked at  Martin with his yellow eyes. Martin hasn't seen Cancer's eyes since he was a small child. Alex had never seen them.

          "I'm going to live with Aunt Josephine in New York. If you ever want to visit peacefully, please do so. I don't want anything to do with your villain crap though," Martin began rustling with his messenger bag and jacket.

          "Goodbye Martin," Cancer abruptly launched from his seat and walked away. Martin sighed and left as well.

          'I really hope we can both keep our side to ourself' he thought glancing back.

              ~~~~(After the Move)~~~~

   ***Martin's POV***

                  I entered my aunt's house carrying three boxes. Her white teeth shone, "Honey let me help you with that."

          I moved to the right and smiled to her on the side. "Thank you Aunt Josephine." I walked up the stairs and into the guest room. Even though it was the guest room, she was allowing me to live with her. She had lived with my mom and I for years. My mom and her had made negotiations about my staying there and the schooling.

          "I'm so happy that you have decided to live in Gotham. Ever since my son has married and moved out, it's been very lonely in the house by myself."

          "I'm glad to be here. I thought it's be a good experience to go to school in New York. Especially since Uncle Adam is, ya know..."

          She looked down and and then smiled up again, "Let's not talk about my brother. Do you want me to show you around New York. You aren't starting school for another month though. If you have any friends that you wan-."

          I laughed, "It's fine. I'm going to call my friend and ask her to show me around."

          "Ooooo, a girl," she followed me down the stairs again to get more boxes.

          "Nah, it's not like that. I've known her since I was little and she means a lot to me. Plus she has a boyfriend," I picked up two boxes and she picked up one. We began up the stairs again.

          "Oh really, I believe when I was a teenager we'd call that the 'friendzone'" she snorted.          "Wow," I laughed loudly, "Nah, I'm just happy that she's found someone that loves her. I've met him once, he seems really smart and nice."

          "Maybe he can hook you up," she elbowed me.

          "Hey, you never know."

          I don't actually expect for that to happen. 

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