Chapter 22: Impulsive Actions

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Chapter 22: Impulsive actions 

  ***Tim's P.O.V***

             I was acting on pure impulse now. Wow, that seems somewhat ironic.

           I pulled her from the dance floor to the music room. It has had cool Halloween decor since the tenth.

            She wandered around the room. "Wowie, did she make these?" Alex and I have a lot of classes together, however we didn't have the same music teacher. "Well, Ms. J is a real Halloween pumpkin  head. Our class made them." We looked around for a while and listened to the faint music in the background.

               I'm not even sure why I asked her to come anymore. Maybe it was the glistening of her eyes through her dark mask, or the way the lights looked on her pale skin. Maybe is was her confession. She was so sincere and this makes me the bad guy, the liar.

             "So did you ask me to come  her so I could see the decorations?" She laughed. I took a seat onto the stage and she followed. "Okay..."

            I took a deep breath, if I was straight forward the worst thing that can happen is her not excepting it. "The other day, you were so straight forward with me and there's something I haven't told you yet." This was it, it was either I told her and she hated me. Or I told her and she reconsidered her feelings. I hesitantly tried to gather words but nothing could come out.

            "You can tell me anything Tim," she smiled faintly. That same smile was why I hesitated. I didn't want that smile to turn into hatred towards me. I took another deep breath.

            "I have to tell you that I'm... I'm an orphan."

            WHY DID I SAY THAT! I MEANT THAT I AM ROBIN!   Maybe my subconscious doesn't want me to tell her anything.

            She stared at me blankly and her hands clenched into a fist. She grabbed my shoulders and hugged me tightly. "I'm so sorry Tim! I can't believe you never told me!"

            "I'm sorry." I wasn't, I didn't even tell her what I had to. She continued hugging me. I  liked her cold arms wrapped around me like so. It was cozy. "Do you live with a foster father or adoptive parent?" We parted but she kept close to my face. I felt that urge again.

             "Yeah, adoptive father." I tried to keep my urge away from, but it wasn't something that I could just ignore. Especially when her lips were beautifully placed directly in front of me. "My mentor, he's like my adoptive father. My biological parents didn't want me," she was so harsh on herself.

            "I can't see why they didn't want you. You're amazing." Her cheeks turned red. Just the thought that she was blushing made mine do the same... I think. "Wow, thanks."

             Her face, her lips were only a few inches away from mine. "So, what else is there to say," she smile. What a tease! She wanted me to kiss her, me, not Robin or Martin. She wanted Timothy Drake to kiss her.

            "Nothing," I mumbled under my breath as I turned my head to my right and leaned in closer. And closer. Until I felt the warm static that only her lips against mine could give off. The only safe place I could leave my hands was around her waste.

            I was leading, and enjoying. Her lipstick, I could feel it against my lips. I thought I tasted it once. I thought we should take a break but I didn't want to let go of her. I didn't want to let go of her at all. SHE let go of me.

             "Tim" she stared at me and I could see the pain in her eyes. I felt that same pain in my chest times ten. "Tim, why do you feel like Robin?"  

Author's note: Thanks so much to everyone that enjoys the story and reads it. I really enjoy writing this story, it's so much fun. And seeing how many people enjoy reading it really makes me happy. Stay safe during the hurricane and yeah, thank you for 2,000 reads ^_^ 

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