Chapter 15: No Trust

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Chapter 15: 

            Ten minutes after dropping Alex home Dick stopped the car and parked in the nearest possible parking space. "You really are a pain," he took an ice cold water bottle and splashed the water onto Tim's face. "Gah!" Tim wiped the water from his face, "What the hell was that! You could've drown-ded me!" 

            "No, listen Tim. I can't BELIEVE what you did! You put everything on the line, even you're identity!" Dick glared at him. "How does my identity have anything to do with this! Yeah! I'm Robin! The boy freaking wonder!" Tim yelled while doing peace signs.

              "What if she had asked you something. Sure, she seems like a nice girl, but you don't know if that's an act!" Dick grunted. Still tipsy, Tim insensibly rolled his eyes, "You shut up! Alex is a good girl. Plus, she trusts me... I think"

            " Listen Tim, you never know who's lying and who's not nowadays. For all you know, she could be fully aware of you're position, or even just taking precautions." He loudly spoke with his head turned to the side.

              Tim looked out the window feebly, "I know that, and I know this might not be real but....." His voice faded into silence. Dick started the car and drove off. 

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