Chapter 24:

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Chapter 24: 

  [At the Wayne estate Saturday, November 1st]

              Tim took slow bites of his cinnamon  oatmeal. "Is it too hot for you?" Alfred asked carefully. "No it's fine. Thank you."

           The famous Bruce Wayne entered the room, who was too preoccupied to notice Tim's glum appearance. He skimmed through the news paper while taking quick, huge bites of buttered toast. " good morning. You're quite busy today Master Bruce," Alfred greeted.

             " Morning," he glanced at Tim who practically had his face in his oatmeal. "Morning."            Bruce put down his newspaper, "So, I heard you went to a dance last night. How was it?" Tim felt the guilt boil in his stomach and his face started to become pale. "It was... It was fine." The felt the little bit of oatmeal start to come up his throat.

            "Okay, and how is this Alex girl. You find out anything about her and cancer?" By this moment Tim's neck was drenched in sweat. "Uh yeah, but not that much and well, I've hit a... Speed bump."              He took a sip of his tea or whatever it is he drank. "Really, and what might that be?" Tim swallowed hard. "It's nothing to worry about."

             Bruce's eyebrows scrunched together. "Enough with this, you haven't looked this distressed in years." Tim mumbled, "It's nothing," and walked into the family room.

            After Bruce finished having a light conversation with Alfred he followed Tim into the room. "Listen, is this about the girl?"

           Tim turned away and turned the television. "It's okay, I guess, if you like her or something like that," Bruce rolled his eyes. The dark night has never looked into being the best dark father. "It'd be okay."

            "No, it's not okay, but that isn't what's bothering me," Tim began channel surfing. The room kept quiet. The air whispered, "just tell him" in Tim's ears once again. "She.... She... She found out that I was Robin. I don't think she'll be coming to school again and she certainly doesn't want to tell me anything else." Tim was beating himself up inside. Thinking, "Why did I have to kiss her as Robin? Why am I so stupid? How could I let my emotions just run free? Bruce is gonna kill me!"

             "Okay," Bruce stated and just left the room. "I don't know if she's told anyone and, I don't think," Tim stopped. "Never mind,  I don't think about anything." Stressing on the "I don't think".             

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