Chapter 47

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Chapter 47: 

          I woke up the next day. My head was a mush sandwich and my vision was blurry as ever. I was on Tina's couch and the television screamed the theme song to a children's program.

          "Shut that up," I kicked Tina, who was at my feet, in the shoulder. She rolled off the couch and onto the floor. "You do it," she mumbled. I grunted and kicked her leg. It was right next to her arm!

          I reluctantly bent over and changed the channel to the news. The news cast was babbling about some random crap and then Cancer appeared on the screen. "Holy crap!" I yelled burying my head in the pillow, my heart jumping out of my chest.

           The picture became smaller and  went was behind the reporter. She said, "Recently, a new villain has been making himself more and more well known. Reporters say that he calls himself "Cancer". His recent crime being a break in at many hospitals. Witnesses say they saw him leave with something however, they have not confirmed what was taken from these hospitals. "

          What the hell? Why would Mentor *ahem* Cancer need anything from a hospital? He's the master of all cells, excluding plants. He doesn't touch the stuff, that's ivy's job and he doesn't want it. "Who the hell steals from a hospital," Tina stretched her arms. Finally she decided to get up and fold up the blankets I don't remember falling asleep with.

          "***holes," I realigned the pillows and sat back down on the couch. She wiped the guck from her eyes, "Yo, I'm going to take a shower. You going in next?" I nodded my head and continued to watch the news. 

        I tried to think, think and watch. Mentor hadn't even acknowledged the camera. He hardly ever was caught on camera so this seemed careless for him. 

        Before I could get a good look at what he took, they switched to some story about a rapid animal. How is a rapid animal more important than a super villain. The entire couch vibrated beneath me. Simultaneously, my back straightened. I rustled through the cushions and found that it was my phone.

          "Hello," I pressed it against my ear. "Al!" Tim's voice rang in my ears. " What do you want," I said, rolling my eyes. "Did you see the news?." He sounded annoyingly out of breath.

        "What, did you jump over a train trying to get to your TV?" I snickered.

        "Did you see Cancer in the news?" His breath finally caught up with him. "Yeah," I said, "I'm at. Friends house so I can't really talk about it right now."

        He sighed, "Oh, Tina's?"


        "How come you didn't tell me?" His voice cracked, "Not that I have a problem with it anyway." I sat back in the chair,"I didn't think I needed to. I guess this just proves how useless I am right?" I didn't even want to say that! Why'd I say that? Force of habit, the habit of being total jerks to people that are close to me and have offended me. Just look at how I treated Martin. There was silence. He coughed, "Just come to you know where, Nightwing needs you to come by." we both said goodbye and hung up the phone. After taking a bath and saying my farewell toTina, I went to mount justice.

        Tim was the first thing I saw upon entering Mount Justice. "Hey?" I adjusted my darkened glasses. His arms were folded and he was wearing his casual clothes. "Hey," his eyebrows loosened up. "Nightwing wanted me?" I walked down the steps next to him.

        "C'mon," he began walking towards the main meeting room. "You have a good week," he gritted his teeth. I zipped down my jacket, It was warm inside. "Yeah, I got to hang out with Tina and Rodney and Cristine, ya know. How about you?" I hadn't really hung out with anyone other than Tina and Tim for a while so it was actually a relief to hang out with others. There were more but I didn't feel like naming all of them. "Alright, kinda dull."

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