Chapter 52:

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Chapter 52: 

          *Tim's POV*

              "Cure!" I yelled watching the Icicle Junior surround her with ice. "Nice to see you again," I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see it. "Miss me?"

          "Absolutely. You too, Superboy." Martin ran over next to him with the huge sword that Cancer had stolen.          "What, you've gotta new toy?" I studied it. The color had been altered and the stones were gone. It seemed the be just a sword.

          "What if I do, it wouldn't matter I'll still rip you apart!" Martin yelled.

          I extended my Bo staff and Superboy got ready to fight these a-holes too. Though, all he needed was his fists.

          "I'll take Martin," I whispered, "If sa-." I was cut off by Martin running towards me quickly,the sword actually being held properly for once.

          "You know, maybe you should get the manual if you don't want to use that," I blocked his strike completely midway with my staff. I pushed him back a few inches. Even though he's a year younger than us, hey had the pythons of an eighteen year old beach bum.

          "Go to hell Wonderbread." He almost gave me a haircut.

          I struck him with a blow with the electricity on. He grunted and held his side, where I hit him.          "Nice hit," He barely swung the sword and cut my cheek.

          We went back and forth. Thank god I didn't have to talk to him all that much. But I couldn't help but wondering what was going through his head. He was really close to Al, that was unmistakable. Now he has to deal with with the fact that she left him for the opposite side.

           We were both tired out and catching our breaths when It slipped out. "Cure, was she happy when she was with you?" I sighed.

           He dropped his sword. "How ****ing dare you. You've got some nerve to say that to me!" He tackled me and began punching me rapidly.

          "Cure is so much more than your petty group of super babys! You think you know her by now don't you? Try living every day with her for years upon years. Competing with her day after day..."          "MARTIN!" A voice sharply pierced my ears and he stopped punching me.

          "Cure..." He didn't look up.

        Icicle Junior and superboy continued to fight however, between the three of us, time was still.           "Go to the city. Don't get involved," Martin didn't look up yet but spoke with clenched teeth.

           "Shut up," she walked over to us, "Surrender now." She had this tone that could cut through steel. Though, she was taking this easier than I thought, or so it seemed. Martin picked up his sword, turned around and stuck the sword in her face.

           "Never. You get lost and I won't have you beheaded."

          Superboy gave me the "what the hell is going on" looks. As if I would mouth an entire back story to him. He also gave me the "should we do something?" Look but I had an answer to that.

          Cure looked at him with eyes to kill and clenched the handcuffs she held.

        "Get off of him right now!" She growled and i got see her tense up. She put the handcuffs away, and pulled out god knows what but it looked like some sort of weapon.  She backed away slowly from him and he followed her like catnip. 

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