Chapter 4: The Dirt on Cure

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                    *Identified Robin* 

      Robin walked into mount justice and practically fell into the chair. "Hey Robin. Where've you been all day?" Miss Martian, Megan, smiled meekly. Lagoon Boy was sitting next to her with his arm wrapped around her shoulder. "Hanging out. Showing the new girl in my class around," Robin started to the kitchen. "I made pasta if you want any," Megan called out to him. She got up from her seat and followed him. 

          As he rummaged through the fridge Megan quietly watched. "So, is this girl... Cute?" He stopped instantly, "I guess she's pretty cute but she's barely a friend. Nothing more." Robin ferociously poured himself a glass of milk. "You're so serious. If you like her, then you like her, you don't need to hide it Rob," Megan put her hand on his arm. Robin smiled, "Thanks, but like I said. I don't like her that way." Robin was trying not to think about Alex in any other way, especially avoiding any thoughts of little miss cancer as a love interest. That wouldn't be pretty.

            Lagoon Boy whispered something into Megan's ear that made her laugh. They walked into the next room. 

               "How's it going with Alex?" Nightwing snuck behind him. "Good, she doesn't seem like they're is anything suspicious about her though. Well, she did get a phone call that seemed a bit suspicious but she was talking to the person the way you would to a friend almost," Robin reported. Nightwing paused and thought for a moment. "Who do you suppose was on the other end of that call?"

          "I heard her say the name Martin in the beginning of the conversation. I'm guessing that's the name of the person she was talking to. That's hardly an observation," Robin explained. "I doubt that Cancer would let her say his real name out loud in public so openly. It just seems unlikely. Were you able to hear anything else?" Nightwing rubbed his hairless chin.

          "She said that she'd call someone later on. How high do you think the likes are that she was getting a message telling her to contact cancer?" Robin smirked. "You can't be too sure, but that is a definite possibility," Nightwing nodded and then walked off into the next room.

           Robin couldn't help but sarcastically mumbling "your welcome" under his breath.

           Robin drank the last of his milk and then grabbed a granola bar from one of the cabinets. He opened it while going into the same room as Nightwing. "Hey, Dick... Uhh... Nightwing. Technically I'm all ready friends with Alex. So what now? And another thing, what happens if she figures me out?" Robin sat in the first chair in sight. "Well, let's try and not let that happen," Nightwing began typing. "Obviously," Robin grunted, "Can you at least give me some background? Something to work around?"           "Fine," Nightwing pulled up a picture onto the screen with Cancer's profile. The image showed a tall and lean man with a Black mask covering his entire face, everything but the eyes. He wore an all black suit silver metal covering his elbows and kneecaps and black fingerless gloves.

           "So that's cancer?" Robin leaned forward. "Cancer has more than one power but his main power is all power over cells. Multiplying, creating figure, changing the type of cell," Nightwing paused, " This doesn't sound too bad, but think about-." Robin cut in, "Cells that contain diseases and other things." Nightwing nodded his head, "With one bacteria, he could create an army. Now the name cancer makes sense, right?" 

         "Yeah, completely. What do you have on Alex?" Robin Analyzed. Nightwing pulled up another page. Robin got up and stood beside Nightwing to read.

           "She's quite the looker under and in the mask wouldn't you say?" Nightwing laughed.

          "Very funny. This barely has anything. Mainly photo's...  She has a lot of different costumes. So, she helps him out, but not on any serious things, as far as you seem to know." Robin analyzed. "Yeah, pretty much," Nightwing Agreed. "And you want me to find out things about Cancer from her."

          "Yeah, it sounds like using but remember, it's the enemy. He's the bad guy," Nightwing could tell by the look on Robin's face he felt somewhat bad. "Yeah, the enemy"

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