Chapter 43:

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Chapter 43:

  *** Icicle Junior POV***  

I hadn't heard a thing from Cancer or Alex. Well, I had heard something from cancer. Nothing other than, "Have you seen Alex?" She's always been so different and the way she hated villains. I can't blame her for leaving. Especially since her Mentor is hardly different from my dad.

  Lately there has been some rumors going around about her. Some say she joined the mini leaguers, others say they saw her fighting with them. The terror twins told some people that they fought her, Batgirl, and Beast Boy together. Meaning on the same team. It feels like a lie, but the back of my mind tells me it may be true. I found out by myself.

  One day, Mentor sent me and Martin to steal some crap. Such a shame, he's already working on his tasks normally. As if nothing's happened! I still felt lost. Martin seemed to be taking it the worst.

  "Hey kid," I looked over at him while driving. His body was still enhanced, though he still had the mind of a thirteen year old. He was playing a game on his touch screen phone, he looked up. "What?!?!"

  Well then...

  "Has Al really gone good?"

  He pulled out his earphones, "No! Alex would never! She just ran off with her boyfriend or something..." His voice did a decrescendo.

  My arms wobbled and so did the car, "Since when did she have a boyfriend!" She tells me everything, even about kissing Robin, and she doesn't tell me that she has a boyfriend?

  "What did he look like?"

  "The tape only showed his from side and behind. And it was in black and white. All I was able to see before Mentor kicked me out was that he was like, her height."

  Well isn't that specific.

What if it's Robin, she was so confused that day. What if she wanted to know why? What if he's the reason she left? That is, if she did leave and join them.

  "What do you mean tape? He was in Mentor's house with her?" My hands clenched the wheel. He nodded his head quietly. Alex wouldn't do anything, I know that for sure. She isn't like that.

  I finally focused on the road again. Only to discover that I had forgotten to exit off. "Sh*t"   Not long after we started trotting through looking for this guys crap we got a few visitors. Obviously no one that wanted to help us. "Nothing can ever be easy," Martin pulled out a tranquilizer dartgun. I looked at him, confused, "Why not a normal gun?"

  "I don't have enough training. If it were Al he might've bent the rules and given her it," he rolled his eyes.

  Wow, so she lived in Cancer's shadow and he lives in hers.

  Robin and Wonder Gal blocked his darts easily. I chucked a few shards of ice at Robin. "I'll take the wonder," I stopped a batarang from slicing my arm with a heap of ice.

  I went hand to hand with the boy wonder, "Do you know where Cure is?" I gritted my teeth and dodged his punch.

  "What do you care?"

  "She's like my sister. What are you doing kissing her like its nobody's business?"

  "She's doing what she thinks it right."

  We went back and forth. Punches,ice, and bat crap were flying and words too.

  "So, are you this boyfriend I keep hearing about?"


  "Fine," I clenched his suit and held him up to my face, "If you dare hurt her in any way. I will freeze you alive."

  I could feel his muscles tense and his facial expression changed, "I would never. It's her old Mentor that I'm worried about."

  At that moment, Cassie grabbed me and through me across the room. Of corse, Martin had disappeared. I jumped up and ran into the next room. "Dude, I've got it. Get out, we're not gonna win," my walky talky buzzed. I grunted and quickly found a way out.

  The first thing this kid tells me when I got to the car is, "What took you so long?" Alex and him definitely grew up together. While making a run for it was passed Robin and Cassie again, the windows were up and tinted. They were talking to some girl. She looked like cure, but I couldn't be too sure. Yeah, it looked like her, but maybe it was that Batgirl girl or Miss Martian just trying to distract us by looking like her.  

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