Chapter 32: Isolation

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Chapter 32:  Isolation 

Mentor got home late Sunday afternoon. Tim had left earlier in the day. I sat in my room quietly, waiting to for Mentor to see the tapes and then scold me. It wasn't until around ten at night, that his voice shouted my name from downstairs. 

My hands shook and my legs trembled as i walked down the stairs. He was in his office with Martin. "What the HELL is this?" he shouted the moment i entered. "Uh…" His eyes were bloodshot and his drink was all over the floor. I hadn't really thought about what i was going to say. 

"Uh, isn't an answer! Who is that and why was he in the house with you while I was gone?" Mentor's anger filled voice directed at me was something completely new. I'd never made him this angry. 

Martin stared at the screen in disbelief. I still didn't know what to say and my body continued to tremor. Just when i thought Mentor was going to yell at me some more, he stood up and held my arm above my head. He clenched my wrist in his huge fist until it hurt. "Are you going to tell me or are you jus going to idle in the door way?" 

"It- It was," I stuttered, "He's my boyfriend!" 

The moment i uttered the word 'boyfriend' everything became silent and he let go of my arm. The tears streamed down my cheeks like the Nile river. "Boyfriend?" Martin echoed, looking back at the tape and rewinding it. I held my aching wrist with my left hand, hoping the pain would ease. 

After minutes of complete silence mentor cleared his voice. "Go to your room." I flinched, surprised he had said anything. "What did you not hear me? I don't remember raising you deaf, go to your room!" 

On that note, i ran upstairs and into my room. The anger in his eyes haunted my all night. I only was able to sleep for two hours. 

In the morning, I was surprised to look out my window and see that the window itself had been locked from the outside. "What the….?" I abruptly turned around, to see that  my door was locked too! Not heavily locked, but locked well enough to keep my in. "Mentor! What the hell is going on?" I knocked on the door as hard as i could. 

"I'm sorry Alex," Mentor's pessimistic, shadowy voice was on the other end of my door. "This is punishment for bringing someone here. It's not something I want to do to you but, what you did cannot go without punishment."  I listened to his heavy foot steps faded until they disappeared. 

I punched the door with all my strength. "Shit!" I allowed myself to slide from leaning on the door, to lying lifelessly on the floor. 

The Clean Floor…… 

I abruptly jumped to my feet. Everything was clean. Who knew in only two hours, someone could clean my room. The only thing is, too many things were missing. I stifled through my drawers and under the bed. No weapons, no computer, no phone. What, did he expect me to go on adventures in my room and imagine things to fight? 

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