Chapter 46:

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Chapter 46: 

          Tina invited me to her house for a sleepover the Friday after the next. How do I even react to someone asking me to come out of the comfort of my house, to being unconscious in their house for more than eight hours. You people and your odd vulnerable customs. Has any girl ever been kidnapped on raped at a sleepover? I'll have to look it up, it seems likely though.

          Of corse she whined an begged for me to come for two days straight so I ended up going anyway.

          Around ten pm, we she starting some small chat while we watched her favorite reality TV show. The more she distracted from this freak show, the better, if you ask me.

          "So.... How are things going in your love liiifeee?" She poked my shoulder. "I don't know. How's your love life?" I glanced away from the TV over dramatically. "Nonexistent," she rolled onto her back, "How's Tim?"

           I sighed, "He's.... Okay."

          "That doesn't sound too good? What happened?" She's feeling as nosey as ever, "Did he lie to you again?"

           I shook my head, "No... It's not that. He said something that really offended me."

          "What? Did he call you a b****?"

          "Not a curse, it  offended me though."

          She scratched her head and turned around a couple more times. "You can't let things like this bother you... I mean, if he says something like this once and doesn't do it again then he's sorry, of corse. If he says it again or repetitively then you dump that sucker like a rock. He's never said anything rude to you before, right?"

          "No, of corse not."

          "Then forgive him, things like this are simply minor bumps in your relationship."

          That made me feel much better. Relationships were so odd... It's like a whole other world. An world of alien experiences that either hurt you  of make you feel like you're flying.

          "Thanks Tina," I awkward side shoulder hugged her. She lit up like a lamp, "Garrrshhh, you don't have to thank me."

          I turned to face the TV once again. The two retarded people were completely wasted and brought some guys home. Wow... Just wow... Sometimes I wonder what goes through the minds of drunk people. I imagine it being something like your entire mind becoming a fruit salad.

          "Hey, have you ever been drunk?" I thought out loud.

          She started a few sentences and then finally decided on one, "Yeah, a few times... You?" I shook my head. She smirked, "Good, I'm glad in at least one way I'm badder than you." She punched my arm.

        "Tim has been drunk before. And he's like a saint," I laughed. She grabbed the remote and finally change the channel. "Yeah, but no one is absolutely good or bad because at the end of the day, we're all exactly the same and we choose the side we're on based on the lessons we learn," she flipped through the channel not even noticing what the flying heck she was saying.

          "Holy crap Tina, when did you become Aristotle of the twenty fist century?" I leaned against a throw pillow.

          "Meh, I'm alright," she laughed. I pressed my face into the pillow.

          Fighting tears was a hard thing for me to do, obviously. How could she say something like that? Why does she have to be great? I don't deserve all these people in my life. They all want to be with me and keep me from harm and care so much for me. She doesn't even know everything and he still knows what to say.

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