Chapter 2: The Mission

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 The day before, at mount justice.     

      Batman slowly walked next to Robin. Next to him stood Nightwing. "Listen Robin, we need you to do something," Batman looked him dead in the eyes, regardless of the mask. "Sure Batman, anything," Robin's muscles tensed. "The new girl coming to your school tomorrow, her name is Alexandra, right?" Nightwing continued. Robin nodded, only partially on board. "She has some close relation to one of the newest villains. His name is Cancer and just like the name suggests he's very dangerous and deadly," Nightwing passed Robin a photo of the girl.

       He closely analyzed the photo. She had green eyes and brown hair. "So, what kinds of danger should I expect? Isn't there anything specific you want me to do?" 

     "All you need to do for now is befriend her. Be friendly, maybe even flirt a little with her!" Nightwing snickered to himself a bit and Robin turned away from them to hide his face. "Um, sure Dick. Does anyone else know about this?" Robin glanced at him and Batman again. "No. It isn't a big deal if you tell anyone in the team but because you are befriending her its best if only one of you guys gets to know her for now," At this point Batman had sat down and was letting Nightwing do all the talking. " Okay, I get it. I'll do my best," Robin nodded conclusively. 

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