Chapter 31: A Night Alone, To-get-her

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Chapter 31: A night alone to-get-her

"Hey Al, why'd you join Cancer?" Tim sat on my bed eating chicken wheezes as I made him a bed on the ground. "He saved me." Tim tilted his head, "Ughhh..... Like from what?"  

"My parents."  

There was complete silence. Not a crumble of his bag. "What do you mean?"  

I finished his bed and sat beside him. "Well, the day that he took me in my mom had stabbed me."  

His eyes became bigger than gulf balls. "Al, I am so sorry!" He hugged me tightly. "It's okay Tim, that's the past." He looked deep into my eyes. "No it's not okay. The person that is suppose to love you the most tried to kill you." 

He was right, in one way. "But ya see, if my parents weren't so abusive and terrible I would never have met Mentor and then I would be stuck living a boring normal life. And I wouldn't have met any of the people I am acquainted with today."  

He stared at me for about thirty seconds straight. Then he leaned in and kissed me once again. I pulled away after the slightest contact. "Al, that's way deep." He smirked.  

"I don't want to kiss, you're still the enemy." 

"You still haven't decided? Al, the things they plan never cause anything but pain. Wouldn't you like to prevent that?" He placed his head on my shoulder. I had never thought about it like that. I always thought about it was being loyal to Mentor. I always though he was right and it was my job to make sure what he wanted happened since he helped me.  

"Tim....." I stopped, I can't believe I was about to just tell him that like it was nothing. "What is it?" 


"Al...." He looked at me seriously, "I'm hungry." I broke into laughter. "Where's the food?" He got up and started for the door.  

"No, Mentor has cameras all over the house. You can't run around in your Robin clothes."  


I abruptly got up and ran into the next room. I picked up one of Martin's plaid shirts and a pair of jeans. Then, I threw them at Tim and went into the closet.

***Tim's POV***

"Um, what the hell?" I looked at the closet she ran Ito after throwing a bunch of colors at me. "Just change," she called through the caramel colored door. "Even if I change what's the difference?He's still going to see me." I began changing. "Cause! I would much rather explain to him why a boy he's never met is with me alone rather than why the boy freaking wonder is wandering the house with me when he isn't home."  

I'm gonna have to explain to Nightwing why I stayed over as well. This was just one of those stupid and spontaneous things that I do once in a blue moon.  

The pants were just about my size. I slowly buttoned up my shirt. When I reached the collar I called out, "Al, it's safe!" She sighed in relief and began out the door. So I followed.  

She was right! There was camera's everywhere! Small cameras that you wouldn't see without looking for them but still there. He led me down to the kitchen and she immediately swung open the fridge. "So, what will the old man say when he sees a boy alone with you at this hour?" The glowed making her facial features more visible. Her lips curved to a smile, "I really don't know. Hey, what do you want?"  

I took a look into the fridge it was packed. Al doesn't seems to eat that much so I'm guess they always have people over. Hungry people. "Eerm, what do you usually snack on?" She closed the fridge and used a stool to go into one of the higher cabinets. She brought down a package of macaroni and cheese.  

She jumped down childishly and began filling a pot with water. "Wow, I never took you for a Mac n' cheese type." I rested my arm on her shoulder even though we were about the same height. I was about an half an inch taller. "Well, you don't know everything about me. And don't expect to." She said mysteriously.  

I don't expect to, knowing everything she's been though, will most likely burden my soul. We waited for the water to boil in awkward silence. After she put in the macaroni, I decided to ask her. "Hey Al, if you joined us," I whispered, "will you be my girlfriend?"  

She flinched, "what?"  

"I asked, if you join us, will you be my girlfriend?"  

Her cheeks became bright pink. Why did she have to be this cute?  

She murmured something under her breath and moved away from me to set up the strainer in the sink. "Huh?"  

She strained the water and put the macaroni into the pot and began gradually turning it and adding the cheese. "Hmmmmm." 

"What?" She continued turning the food. "You said something."  

"Yeah, and?"  

"What is it?"  


"No, you don't want to be my girlfriend."  

She turned off the stove, "Ugh," she grunted, " Maybe. I don't want to join you idiots just because I like you."  

"That isn't what I meant. I meant that because I know that we wouldn't be able to go out if we're on opposite sides. I mean if you are already going to join us, then will you be my girlfriend."  

"Hmmmmm..... Maybe."  

As she began to take out the Mac n' cheese I took a mental step back. "Why maybe, you just said you liked me?"  

She turned around immediately. "Haha, you didn't think I heard that part." I gloated victoriously. She shoved the plate against my chest, " Don't let it go to your head."  

I picked up the fork and tasted it. At first it was burning and then it was warm and creamy. "It's good," I laughed awkwardly. What else am I really suppose to say?  

"Let's go watch TV," she moved away from me and into the living room. The first thing we see on the TV is a romantic movie. The kissing scene. As if I wasn't ALREADY the most awkward people alive. We just sat their quietly eating, watching the two people make out. "Uhhhh.... Al." 

She quickly changed the channel to a cartoon on the comedy channel. The characters, were all at a restaurant. The characters were absurd creatures but were absolutely hilarious. During the show we didn't say anything. she laughed a lot but I could still tell she saw thinking deeply.  

We watched TV for hours until she fell sleep next to me.seeing her asleep reminded me of a child. I carried her upstairs and put her into her bed. Then I lied awake for hours on the bed she made on the floor. Thinking, wondering, what was she going to choose?

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