Chapter 55:

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Chapter 55: 


           The voice of a black haired boy stretched from across the room.

          I tried to say, "Tim," but my morning voice made it come out as a horrifying grunt.

         "Take it easy Al." I could hear him rise from his chair and step towards the hospital bed.

          I stayed quiet and closed my eyes until I felt the blanket moved from my lower stomach to my neck.

          I opened them to see Tim's soft blue eyes and dark black hair. It had felt as if I'd never be able to see him again.

          "You were out for a few days..." He smiled. My entire body jumped simultaneously. "A few days!" I tried to say but it still came out distorted.

          "I said take it easy jeez, you lost a lot of blood."

          "Is everyone okay?"

          He sighed, "Yes everyone is okay. Now please, calm down."

           "Wha- what about Cancer?"

          He took my hand, "Everything is under control."

          We stayed in silence but his hand continued to hold mine tightly.

          I lied on my back and closed my eyes. After a few minutes, I moved to one side of the bed.          "What are you doing?"

          I smiled, "Lie next to me."

          His cheeks turned red and he looked away, "why? I was gonna ask do- do you need me to get you anything or something. You know-uh-"

          I shook my head, "I just want you to lie next to me."

          He took a deep breath and climbed next to me. We looked at each other and I closed my eyes. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep but I did anyway.

          "Does your leg hurt?" Tim whispered.

          "Why would my leg....." My eyes shot open and I pulled off the sheets from my leg. Right where Can had grabbed was bandaged tightly.

           I reached out to touch it, just to see if it would ACTUALLY hurt, but Tim snatched my hand. "What the hell?"

          "What?" I pulled my hand out of his grip.

          "What?! What do you mean 'what?'. I said take it easy!"

          My face burned red, "I'm sorry Tim..."

          He looked away, "You don't have to be. And before you ask, as long as you take things easy you'll have no trouble fighting again. You have to let yourself recover though."  "Will you at least tell me... how bad is my leg? What did he do?"  Tim sighed, "Right now... all i can say is it isn't pretty. It's best to refrain from looking at it."

          We lied back again and just softly stared at each other again. I suddenly felt an urge and pulled his red sweater collar so his face came closer to me. I smiled and gave his a peck on the lips.          "You're surprisingly girly for a fighter," Tim's teeth shone. I pushed his collar away again.

          "You're impossible." 

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