Chapter 26:

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Chapter 26:

      After Halloween I started training vigorously. Mentally and physically. I started going to online school again. This was easier. This was better

.                   January 5th, I went with Mentor as his sidekick on a mission.

               We went to this building near the docks. It looked like one of the storage places. I tucked my hair inside my shirt in order to keep it out of the way. The way I used to.

            "Make sure no one unwanted comes in," he turned away from me and continued deeper into the building. I stayed in the darkness, not too far from the entrance. If you stayed right next to the entrance you're never going to get any action, they'll find a way to get past you because they know you're right there. When they don't see anyone there, that's when they get confused.

            Within minutes I heard footsteps and breathing. If I recall, someone said the team of baby do-gooders set up a physic link so they do not need to communicate verbally. I saw a faint, feminine shadow through a hole in the wall.  I watched the shadow get closer and closer to the building until I heard the slightest thump on the roof. The next thing I saw was the little green cat. Obviously the little kid Beast boy.

            He waltzed in and I readied for encounter. Instead of killing him or anything Mentor enhanced some of the  medicine that makes you sleep. So all I need to do I give it to him when he isn't looking and he's out of my hair for a maximum of two days. Minimum of five hours.

            I watched him look around and then morph into his monkey like form. The sad part about Mentor's idea is he thinks it's too dangerous to shoot the needles out of a gun, so I have to either do it from behind or show myself. Not exactly the stealthiest way to do things.

            I'd been itching for some action so much that instead of doing the sensible thing and get him from behind, I jumped right in front of him. "Holy cra-" he jumped back. I lunged forward and he turned into a gorilla. A GORILLA! Now I know why they call him beast boy.

            He punched my arm and sent me back a few feet.

            Running up some crates and then jumping into his blind spot I pressed the needle into his skin. As he fell to the ground I thought, "where's an easy button when you need it?"

            I dashed to the side as I heard more breathing. "Oh my... Beast Boy!" Wonder girl raced towards his sleeping body and picked him up. Dumb move, her back was even facing me. So I barely had to move in order to put her to sleep.

            For a few minutes there was silence. I knew the others would have to come back. If they couldn't get in touch with Beast Boy and  wonder girl, then they should know something was up.

            After a while of waiting a famous voice came forth. "Who's there?" Who was right? Me. She didn't move from the entrance. Her green skin and reddish hair was unmistakable. Miss Martian.  "Cure?" She whispered. I grabbed one of my favorite knifes. Not too sharp with a good grip.

          "Cure!" She called. I calmly and tauntingly walked into the dim light. "Wow, I didn't know I was this popular."

            "Cure I have a message for you." He held out a piece of paper. "You guys are here to stop Mentor from getting what he needs. Keep your crap message!" My hands clenched. "I'm not going to lie, yes. That is why we're here but-"

            "But what? What does your boss have to say to me hmm?"

             She continued, "He just wants me to give it to you! I don't know what it says?" She threw the piece of paper near me. I barely glanced at it. "So, what do you expect me to do?" I picked it up, crumbled it, and put it in one of the pockets of my utility belt. "Well, I don't expect you to just let me leave."

             I gave my famous little half smile, "well of corse." I began towards her but as I got closer she disappeared. "What the?" There was a small pinch on my arm and then two huge arms picked me up. The arms were way too strong  and masculine to be Miss Martian. He slammed me onto the ground.            Miss M stood next to him not too far from me. I jumped to my feet ready to fight again. The boy looked sixteen but was really around six. The perks of being a clone. Lex had mentioned him once. Superman's clone, Superboy. Known for his anger and according to  me, Junior, and Martin, is technically the  love child of Lex Luthor and Superman.

            If it was just Miss Martian, I probably could've taken her. But the clone of superman. Plus he's got some of lex luthor's DNA. That makes him an official bad*** in my book. I whispered into the small mic I had pinned to my shirt, "You done old man?" He responded, "Finish up and be at the meet up place in two minutes."

            Two minutes was NOTHING!

             "Listen Cure, we don't have to fight," Super-Luthor spoke. I grabbed a smoke grenade. "You know what," I ripped the cord off, "you are right." I threw the grenade and jumped out the window.

             By the time I got to the meet up point Mentor was already in the car ready to leave. "Well that took long." He grunted. The one thing I hear Mentor and Batman have in common, their negative attitudes. "Sorry sir." I jumped into the back and held the case mentor had gotten. We drove normally till we got home.                          

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