Chapter 53:

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Chapter 53: 

          *Alex's POV*

            I eye'd Martin down and sized him up. This Martin, I've sparred with. He was just a thirteen year old boy in a angsty teenage body. My feelings were split in half. On one end, we have my conscience telling me to do my duty. Completing the mission and keeping the citizens safe. And then on the other hand I have one of my best friend for over seven years. Even though he's crazy, I still want to look out for him the way a best friend should.

          "Please surrender, it'll be so much less painful that way," I looked him dead in the eyes.

          "You can't tell me what to do anymore. You abandoned me," he gripped his sword in his hands tightly.

          "I'm only doing what's right and If you knew better, you'd leave his side too."

          "What's right?!?! This man saved you from the wrath of abusive parents. What would you're life be without him?"

          That's true but....

           "You ungrateful son of a *****," Martin grunted and began charging towards me.

        I dodged all his attacks however he finally got me with a punch to the stomach. After crashing onto the ground, He pulled me up to his face with one hand and scolded me.

          "You were everything to us..."

          I wiggled a little in his grasp and then kicked him right side of the head.

          "Cut the crap! Cancer is taking people's lives right now! How about you get our head out of your ass and notice, it's not all about me or you or Mentor. It's about everyone!" I tackled him and pinned him down, face to the ground. "Maybe you're brain hasn't gotten it yet, you're not doing anyone any good but Mentor! He had us wrapped around his finger as if he were a god. As if he was everything!"

          I handcuffed his hands and tied his legs. "But he's not." I looked around but Superboy and Tim weren't in sight.

          "Wow, some teammates. I guess they're just like you." Martin rolled his eyes.

          I pressed the communicator in my ear. "I have taken Uhhh... this guy into custody. What do I do now?"

          Tim's voice came into my ears, "Meet everyone in the city."

           "What?!?!" I yelled but wasn't answered.

          "I guess we're going into the city," I looked around. I could walk, It was only a few miles away. Then I'd be tired by the time we got there. I could take my motorcycle, but it's going to be weird with Martin.

          I looked at him. He was wearing a torn up, white shirt, denim jeans, something tells me he's been hanging out with the terror twits. He jut laid on the ground helplessly.

          "Alex..." He whispered, "Why can't you come back?"

           "Why can't you leave him. You could ask your parents to let you go to school in Gotham with me. Of corse you'll need an apartment or a family member that lives here. But I really think you are smart, all you need to do is make the right decisions."

           Minutes of silence passed until anything happened.

           He turned his head away from me, "Alex, If I promise that I'll stay away from him, will you promise me something?"

          "Of corse, as long as you keep up with that promise."

          "How about you let me go and if I don't keep my promise, in a year you can arrest me. If I do, then you owe me a promise."

          Was I suppose to believe him? What if he didn't keep his promise? Should I really let him go and hope for the best?

          "Why should I believe a word you say?"

           "Because you're a push over and secretly love me."

          "Maybe in your dreams. In real life, I have a boyfriend."

        "Icicle mentioned something like that but I didn't believe him. Is it that book worm?"

          We paused again and didn't say a word.

          I began rustling through my belt and took out the keys. Then, I unlocked him.

            "Just remember, I'm doing this for you," he stood up and brushed himself off. "I'm coming with you into the city though." He followed me as I made an attempt to ditch him.

          "I'm driving," I hopped onto my motorcycle and he followed. We grabbed out helmets and were off.          The world went past us so fast, while we drove. Different shades of colors going too fast to name them. It almost made me forget that I was about to see Mentor again.  

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