Chapter 5: Cure

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           The first three weeks of school were easy. I'd hang out with Tina once in a while, Tim and I worked on our project sometimes after school. Nothing seemed suspicious at all. Maybe Mentor had gotten false information or was over reacting.  On the Wednesday during my fourth week in Gotham, as I walked out of school I got a call from Mentor. This was the first time that he had called me directly. It was usually I had to call him or Martin had to call me to tell me to call him.

              "Hello?" I answered confusingly. "Hello, Alex listen. Martin is there to pick you up. Come with him and I'll explain later," Mentor spoke calm but quickly. I looked around, "Wait, excuse me? How is he picking me up? He can't drive." I swore I almost heard a laugh from Mentor. "He's in disguise. He looks 16 years old, he'll call you over. Just go with it." And then he hung up.

              What the hell was that?

              "Hey Babe!" a heavy arm wrapped around my shoulder. The voice alone made my skin crawl. "Hey Martin, you look... Good," I rolled my eyes. He actually didnt look half bad. Tall and lean, his arms even felt stronger, this probably was only gonna last a few hours though, Mentor doesn't usually let martin run around for too long all beefed out. "Hey Alex. Who is this?" Tina ran up to me intrugued. "Well, this is Martin. Martin this is Tina," I pointed to Martin. To my surprise Martin politely shook her hand. "Hello, I'm Alex's boyfriend. In case you didn't know, I know he doesn't really like to talk about me." I turned my head to give him a dirty look but he was able to sneak a kiss, A CENTIMETER AWAY FROM MY LIPS! My entire face turned red.

               "Awwwww, Alex! You two are so cute!!!!!" Tina pressed her hands together and held them by her face like a fangirl. Martin just couldn't stop laughing. "Uh, hey, Alex. Are we still on for doing the project after school?" Tim shyly approached us. It's not like him to be shy but who could blame him, with Martin causing so much attention and all. "Sorry, something came up. Can we reschedule?" I tried to talk even though Martin was getting way to comfortable with his arm wrapped around me. "Oh, it's okay. See you tomorrow then," He oh-so-very quietly walked away.

              "Kay babe, we have to hit the road before we both get in trouble," Martin grabbed my hand and lead me to what was suppose to be HIS motorcycle but was mine a few years back before i crashed it. "Get your helmet on, I'm not that great of a driver," He tossed me a helmet. I grunted, "Why can't I drive then?"

              "Fine, but I gonna gladly enjoy the back seat," He smirked and then put his hand on my hip. My face turned red again and I grabbed his hand and threw it back to him. "Your so annoying! Fine, you can drive." Me grinned and jumped onto the bike, my whole body felt twitchy as I was forced to hug his sides tightly. We took off from the school smoothly.

              The entire trip from school to Mentor's office/lair was quiet. As if the world was giving us time to think. If it was, I sure didn't use it. We arrived there within an hour and a half.

              As we jumped off the bike and placed our helmets on the back Martin looked at me strangely. "Why're you crying?" I felt my face, it was soaking. I hadn't even known. "It's just, well, actually I'm not all that sure."

              "You've looked that way since I kissed you. What's up?" Martin leaned close to my face," Wait Alex, you never kissed a boy before have you?" I thought for a little. That couldn't possibly be it. I don't cry for stupid things like that. I'm not some crybaby. "No but... I don't think that's it. It's nothing, probably just something in my eye." He took a step back and then we both entered Mentor's lair.

              "You guys took your time now didn't you," Mentor was standing by his table with his back towards us. "Sorry, there was traffic," Martin apologized. "Fine, Martin you're dismissed. Alex stay here." Martin obeyed orders.

            "Listen, I need you to do something for me. For this new ray gun I'm almost finished with, I need this sword from the Museum of Natural History. It has special abilities that I need," Mentor talked and pointed to everything on the screen. I instantly thought, "Wow, how ironic. That's the only museum I'm familiar with. Thank's to Tim." He wasn't exactly one to remember names but I understood what he wanted me to do. "Is that it?" I began tiptoeing in the direction of my room. "If you do this correctly I'll let you take your personal motorcycle back with you," He said emotionlessly. I jumped for joy, "No way! I'll get that sword in no time."

              I ran into my room and checked out my costumes. I had gotten rid of all the light colored ones because they pretty much yelled "I'm over here!" so I only had three. I slipped on a red and black shirt and black spandex pants. I tucked in the longer layers of my hair so they didn't get in the way and put on my mask and black boots that went up to my knee. And last but not least, the utility belt. I had gotten this one not to long ago because the one I had gotten at age nine had finally gave in. This knew one was silver.

            It held everything I needed. It was like that Boy wonder, Robin's belt. Only cooler and much more useful to me. " Wow, You ready fast. Psyched for your job?" Martin peeped through the arch of my open door still looking tall and lean. "Yeah, you can say that. Don't get any ideas involving this skintight suit, plus, Cure is a force to be reckoned with," I slipped on my gloves. "Is that what your calling yourself now? What, got tired of people calling you Little Miss Cancer?"

             "I just thought it was about time I had a real secret identity. Considering i'm actually going in public nowadays," I stuck my tongue out at him. "Fine by me. As long as I get to stay the way I am right now," Martin sat on my bed. "I laughed,"I wouldn't count on that." and then began down the hall.

              I stopped at the end in front of the garage doors and waited for the computer to identify me.  

*Alexandra recognized, access granted*

            I had a total of three motorcycles. My personal one, and the other two were for missions and other tasks. One was black and gold and the other two were black and red but totally different designs plus one was for personal use. I hopped onto the red and black one for missions and was on my way.               By the time I got to the museum it was nine thirty  and it was closed. Perfect, I could be done by ten. Getting into the museum was the easiest part. While the guard was on the second floor in the African exhibit about some pots I climbed In from a window on the roof right into the exhibit I needed to be in. "Wow, not even one laser around this thing," I laughed to myself while spraying the sword with that spray that shows lasers.

            Just as I was inches from grabbing it a voice came from behind a stand. "Not so fast." I expected one of the super heroes... But it was none other than Mr. Boy Wonder, Robin. "For a second there I thought I was caught. Good one wonder," I smirked.

           "Very funny, just leave the sword," He lunged forward into the light but paused as if studying me.             "Thanks for the advice wonder boy, but no thanks."

            He grunted and then took out his Bo staff. I grabbed the sword as he went for the fist attack. He had aimed for the side of my stomach but I was easily able to dodge it by doing a backflip. I could see him grinding his teeth. He looked me dead in the eyes, regardless of our masks I could feel our eyes shoot each other like bullets.

              I grinned, as we eye'd each other I slowly pulled out a stun grenade from my belt. "So wonderboy, who gave you the hint that someone like me was Somewhere like here?" He smirked, " I know a guy. You got a name to match that attitude?"


            " Nunya?"

            I ripped off the cord of the grenade, "None of your business Rob." I kicked that sucker right in the chest and threw the grenade to the floor. As he flew to the ground and the grenade went off, I managed to jump out the window with the sword and half my senses intact.

             As the smoke cleared i saw Robin looking dead at me again. "Sorry man, girls gotta do what she needs to please her mentor. You'd do the same for Batman. And By the way, it's Cure," and I went back to my motorcycle and drove to Mentor's lair again.

              "Did you have any trouble?" Master felt the sword in his ginormous hands. "Not at all sir," I laughed and went to my bed where I slept the night away like a baby. 

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