Chapter 51: Go?

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Chapter 51: Go?

            My heart beat rapidly while I rode my motor cycle. Robin was beside me and on my other side was Superboy.

          Robin and I glanced at each other every few seconds.  Behind the helmet and the mask were worried eyes and I knew it.

          "Uh, Cure..." I read Tim's voice buzz in my ear due to our communicators and mic.

          "Yeah Rob," I glanced over to him once again.

        "I just, I really hope," he started but he hit the breaks and so did me and Superboy. Only I slid to the far left and into a tree. That's right... INTO A TREE...

          Tim began saying Alex but corrected himself, "Cure!" Him and Superboy began running towards my but a huge wall of ice formed between us and none other than Catherine slid down in front of me. I cracked my neck.

          "Ice boy sent me to finish you off while him and you're friend took on Superboy and Robin. I guess he doesn't have the heart to stand up to his precious ex-girlfriend," Catherine placed her hands on her hips and talked smack.

           "Fine by me, I always wanted to be the one that erased your ass from the villain map," I pulled out a knife.

           She shook her head, "How about we make things a little more interesting." She grinned," No weapons, at least, until i'm ready to finish you off. I won't use mine if you don't use yours."

          I rolled my eyes," Sure, just don't let your hot air balloon of a head pop." I put away my knife and showed her my hands.

          She instantly tackled me and even though I wasn't expecting it, I was still able to get her light weight body off of me within seconds.

          "What kind of awful build do you have. You're only as heavy as a cheerleader," I laughed. On her way back she cut off my belt and flung It and the knife she cut it with at the wall of ice. "Just to be safe."          She charged towards me and I stopped her in her tracks. She pushed me back and I did the same. After pushing her a few feet backwards I punched her in the face and kicked her a few feet. Was she even serious?

          "Is this what you're always so cocky about? You're all talk!" I walked over to my belt and tried to see what to do about the cut.

          When I suddenly got a massive headache. I felt a squeezing in my chest and then I heard the click of a gun. "Wha-What the hell was that?" I had dropped my belt again and with a gun to my head I didn't think it's be a good idea to pick it up.

          My headache began fading slightly,"I don't know what mind crap you probably learned from Psymn, but it won't work on me for very long at that rate."

          "I'll shoot you right now. Everyone thought you were so bad, so cool, so strong. Then you go and join the league of all people! I'd think it'll be over but you're name is still everything I hear about. Cure did this, Cure did that, you're like an annoying meme that everyone overuses no matter how old it gets."          I stood there listening to her babble as if I cared what the villains thought of me. What really intrigued me was the fact that she was jealous. So jealous it made me want to laugh.

         "Listen, I don't give a sh*t about how much those idiots talk about me," I ducked down, turned around and grabbed the gun right from her sweaty palms, "The fact is I don't plan on going anywhere. I'm happy where I stand but obviously you're not so let's see what you can do about that." I did not hold the trigger however I pointed the gun at her neck and took a step back.

          "You are one horrific person," Catherine clenched her fists.

          I swallowed hard, "If I hadn't spent so much time with Bats I would definitely have killed you right here and now. That doesn't mean I won't kill a person If I have to, it means I don't have to kill you." I lowered the gun to my side.

          "You hate those people just as much as I do, so why don't you leave?" I began taking the gun apart. "Just leave and never come back is all it takes."

          I tried to do what I could with my belt and then I noticed exactly how much ice there was between  me and everyone else.  

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