Chapter 20: I can't tell anymore

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Chapter 20: I can't tell anymore

  ***Tim's POV***

            Alex and I sat quietly on some swings a few days before the dance. We've both been so quiet, but that's my fault. I don't want to get too attached, if I do then fighting her later on will be impossible.             "Tim, I can trust you right? Cause I've been wondering." She swung gently. Why did this have to happen? Why did it have to me? What was Dick thinking?

            "Yeah, of corse! We're best friends." I'm the hero right? So why am I the one that has to lie so much? She took a deep breath, and so did I. This is what I wanted right? I wanted information. That was my task. "Okay, so I need to tell you about my mentor and my friend and well... Me but, you promise no matter what we'll be friends?"

            I looked down and nodded. "My Mentor, he's not... Considered good. Those heroes, the justice league, they dislike him." I felt symbolic knife in my hands that I would soon be using against her. "And me, I'm no better... I guess."

            "So, you really did kiss Robin?" What a lie, like I wasn't a primary source. She chuckled, "Yeah, I don't know why, he did though."

            "So, do you have any... Super powers," I laughed making the silliest hand gestures. "No, it's all brawn. My friend used to call me the female Robin." Her teeth showed dimly through her pink lips.              "So you're mentor is like, an evil villain or whatever? That's pretty cool," I gingerly kicked my feet off the ground. Was this really all worth it? "Yeah, I guess you could say that," she snickered, "He can like, multiply cells and stuff. It's really cool.  Although for me, Having no powers, it really sucks cause I'm constantly being compared to him. He's always, being cool ya know."

             WHY WON'T SHE STOP!

             "What about that guy, Martin?"

         "Oh him, believe it or not, he's a year younger than us. He's Mentor's nephew." I exaggerated my eyes to look more surprised, "Are you serious? I though he was at least a Senior." She nodded, " Mentor multiplied his cells to make his body older. He can do all that stuff, anything involving cells, he's your man."

              So that's it, anything with cells, even making someone older. Wow, that's heavy. "So, if he wanted to, he could easily spread a viruses and bacteria everywhere he goes. You wouldn't do that though... Right?" I stopped swinging. "I guess, it really depends on what he has planned. Currently, he hasn't been telling me everything, it really sucks."

             Somehow that was a relief, I didn't want to hear anything else.

            She sighed and got off the swing, "I'm so glad I told you this, now I don't need to be guilty and can be straight forward with you." I got up and she gave me a long hug. I hope she didn't feel my heart beating. It was going a hundred miles per hour.

             "Hey Al, the Dance. Can I still look forward to your company?" She continued hugging me, "Of corse! I'm really looking forward to it."            

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