Chapter 21: Pumpkin Bliss

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Chapter 21: Pumpkin Bliss

              The day of the dance was extremely mellow. Nothing really happened. I did my normal routines and got ready in the afternoon. I was glad that I told Tim. I know it was risky but I don't think Tim would lie to me.

            When me and Tina had gone shopping we picked up dark colored dresses and went to the Halloween store to give them the spooky factor. I picked up fangs, a  cool black and gold mask, and ripped bat wings. Obviously I was a vampire. She picked up a bunch of random stuff and called herself a classy wizard.

            Once again, we were stuck with Rodney and Tina. They were going as friends too... I think. I hopped into the car and Tina's face turned into a lightbulb. "Oh my god!!!! Alexandra!!! You look so pretty!!!! I told you that dress would look perfect!" It was odd hearing them say my full name. I don't usually let people call me by it, it's too long and formal.

             Tim glanced at me and then turned towards the window, "You look great Al," his voice faintly traveled to me. "Thanks, you too," I whispered. He was wearing a magician's outfit, he really did look sharp.

            Rodney made a sharp left turn that forced me into Tim. "Sorry guys," he laughed. As soon as the car maintained balance I slid to the other end of the back seat.

              The ride felt so much longer than fifteen minutes. Maybe Mentor made friends with Father Time and is doing what he does second best, making sure I have no social life. First being the genius that he is.

            Once we were there Tim got out and held the door open for me. "Why thank you kind sir," I laughed. He reluctantly chuckled. We walked slowly behind Rodney and Tina. I think they're going out now, not surprised. "So, how long did it take you to get ready?" Tim grinned. I punched his shoulder lightly, "It took enough time. How about you. Looking all fancy, trying to impress anyone?"

             "Actually yes."

           "Well now I'm curious, who is it?"

             He laughed and sped up, of corse he wasn't going to tell me. I'm his gal best friend, he isn't the type to tell his best friend who he likes. Too secretive.

            The decorations were extremely spooky. The hallway you entered from was set up like a haunted house. Only with dim lights instead of it being pitch black. The music was extremely loud, you could feel the ground move with the bass. Thank god we were on time. There were only a few tables left and I didn't want to sit directly in front of the speakers. Like a gentleman Tim pulled out my chair.             "Thanks but," I awkwardly stood in front of him. He laughed and then sighed, "Would you like to dance?" I put my jacket on the back of my chair an pushed it in.

            He held my hand tightly and lead me to the dance floor. "What, you been drinking again, Afraid you might fall?" I giggled. "I'm not worried about falling. If I fall you're going down with me," He smirked.             Two seconds before we got onto the dance floor the music went from hip hop to dance hall music. I don't know why they were playing hip hop at a halloween dance. All I would really do was make slight steps to the music. To me that seemed noobish, but compared to some of the kids attempting sophisticated dances seen in music videos.

            Half an hour after we started dancing the first slow song came on. I was not expecting it at all. "Uh, do you know where to," he placed my arms around his neck and his in the middle of my lower back.

            I said no words and followed his lead. I've decided to act like a normal girl today. A little vulnerable, but that doesn't mean I have no guard up. A minute through the song I wasn't sure if I wanted the song to be over or if I wanted it to last for eternity. "Do you like this song Al!" His voice was like a raindrop sliding off the pedals of a rose. Great, now I'm turning into a romantic.

              "Yeah," it was hard to keep my voice as low as his. I had been so long since I've had to whisper something to someone. When I go on missions lately it's been solo, nobody to talk to if you're by yourself.

             "I have to say, I'm not a big fan of this quiet."

             "Me either," I refrained from looked directly at his face. I had looked once and the way the light reflected on his skin was enough to make me want to stare at him for days. Tim would make a great magician, especially in the looks department.

             "C'mon, I want to talk to you," he removed his hands and then gabbed mine again. He pulled me outside of the gym, where the dance was being held.  

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