Chapter 30: You're not like them

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Chapter 30: You're not like them

            I felt the presence of another being. "Who's there?" I clenched my fist. "Al, it just me." Tim's voice came from behind me. I whipped around to see Robin right in front of me. Mask and all. "How the hell did you get into my room you weirdo!"

            "The window, chicks dig that don't they? I saw it in a movie once." Talk about corny. "Wow, is that what you call smooth Rob?"
               I picked up a dagger I had lying around and he extended his bo staff. Why the hell are you here?" I flipped the knife in my hand

.             He lowered his Bo staff beneath my shoulder. "Al, I really don't want us to be on opposite sides. It's retarded and you can do so much better." I grunted and straightened my arms to my sides. "How can I do better. My mentor trained me, took me in! Would you just abandon Batman?" His mask moved with his facial expression that showed signs of widened eyes.

              "There's a huge difference between you and me." He lowered his arm to his sides as well, being much less defensive. "And what might that be Mr. Wonder?" I grunted. Even though his eyes weren't visible I could feel his eyes meet mine half way. "Cancer wants to hurt people, you don't, Al." I rolled my eyes. "Maybe you just don't know me Rob. There is a fine line between good and bad. How do you even know it isn't vise versa. They do call your pops The 'Dark Night'. He's hurt people too."              "Will you just shut up! Al! You're just making excuses! Have you ever taken a look at what they're doing! That isn't good! You know that, I know that. So cut the crap"

             He ripped off his mask. Thin tears just beginning to drip down his face. "Rob..."

             "Don't call me that!"

             His tone of voice was vicious, angry, it made me tremble.

             "Tim, what the hell?" I took a few steps back. "Alex, you aren't a bad guy." He came closer to me, I could hear him breathing and he held my shoulders. "I know you're better than this. You're different."               He leaned in to kiss me but I turned my head. "Tim, you were dishonest with me before. How am I suppose to believe you now? Much less abandon my Mentor." He watched me carefully.

              "Al, I'm sorry, For everything, but I didn't lie about everything. Sometimes all I was thinking about was 'what the hell am I doing! This has nothing to do with the task!' Especially when we went to the movies and the dance, and to that party. Al, when I kissed you, I meant it."

              He cupped my face with both of his hands and kissed my lips warmly. I pulled away from him, "No, leave me alone" I didn't even know if i really meant that. I know this thing he's talking about, won't work out. All his hero buddies know me. They know me as Cancer's little girl.

             I tried to struggle out of his hands but he held my wrists tightly. "No. You. Aren't!" I moved around so much that we both started to move completely but he didn't let go. Being that this was my dump of a room, of corse I had hazardous crap all over. While I squirmed he tripped over my boots and he pushed me into my bed. I hit my head on a hard covered book. "Owwww! That hurt!" I yelled extremely loudly. I rubbed my head and looked up at Tim. His face was completely red. I was lying on my bed and he was still holding my arms down. He was basically on top of me which definitely looked like exactly what you're thinking.

            The blood rushed to my cheeks. "Uhhh.... Al.... Did I ever say how sexy you are," he laughed, his face still a tomato. I wouldn't help myself, I broke into hysterical laughter. "Oh my god you pervert!" I pushed him off me and he lied next to me. "You are ridiculous!" I punched his chest.

            "Al, where is Cancer?"

            "He's on a business trip."

            "Can I stay over tonight? I want to convince you to come." I sat up protectively, "Wtf? No, gosh." He lied back, "Not that! I just want to talk to you." I stretched my arms and fell down into the bed. "Fine, I know you won't try anything."

            "How are you sure," he made his eyebrows go up and down. " Cause," I slapped him semi-hardly. "You don't have the balls." I laughed. He didn't respond, just a chuckle.

        Authors note: Oh my gawwwddddddddddddddd!!!!!! We hit 3,000!!!!!!!!! Can i get a what what? No..... okay..... lmao, thanks for reading the story! I'm glad so many people enjoy it!!!!!

   i took a break during the school week cause i had to pass my exams and I DID!!! Lmao so i still might not be able to get chapters up but one chapter (at least) should be up every week unless i have really bad writers block (also had this week)

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