Chapter 36:

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Chapter 36:

            Within a week I was going to be confronting the team. I couldn't believe I was actually going to be jointing them. What if they never trust me? After all the horrible things I did, who could blame them? I wouldn't trust me either.

              Of corse, I met with Batman, Nightwing, Batgirl, and Robin first. They helped me settle a bit, of corse I wasn't allowed into the batcave, but they helped me. They were all extremely welcoming. It was kind of obvious who Nightwing was through body structure, voice, and attitude. Not even to mention his hair is identical to that of Dick's.

            I met most of the Justice league as well. They interrogated me and the rest of the other nine yards. Then came the day I met with the team, my potential team-mates if they accept me.             Batman announced that there will be a New member that may be controversial and he hopes we will be able to cooperate. I then stepped out with Nightwing and the looks on their faces went from excited to confused and then furious.

            "Cure! She's our new member! You've got to be kidding!" Beast Boy exclaimed. It's a good thing they couldn't see my eyes, they were practically tearing. All the hatred in his words. I deserved it all. "No I'm not kidding," Batman grunted. Everyone else stayed quiet. "We'll leave you guys to get to know each other. She will be staying here."

            The moment Batman left, even though Robin and Nightwing were still around, I felt how much everyone else disapproved of this. It was Batman's order and Nightwing was team leader, if they thought it was a good idea then it's suppose to be. But their eyes also say that they don't trust me one bit. Superboy, Miss Martian, Wonder girl, beast boy, blue beetle, and hardly Batgirl. They hated me. 

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