Chapter 1: The New Girl

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        "Hey, you lost?" some random guy with jet black hair in the halls started walking beside me. "Um, yeah. This school is really big," I smiled to the stranger. He laughed, "Yeah, it is. I assume your the new girl, Alex." He had really nice eyes, blue. Mine were green but blue eyes always were really outstanding to me.  

       "Yeah, word sure does go around fast here," I scratched the back of my head. He laughed again, his smile was really cute too. "Yeah. My name's Tim, you're in my homeroom. They said you were coming yesterday. Just follow me"  

       This guy, seemed extremely familiar. Where I've seen him, who knows? He had bright blue eyes and was around my height. I don't know anyone else that looks like him...    

   And guess what? The teacher, Ms. Green just assumed that we were already friends and assigned him to show me around. She even partnered me and him up for some assignment. I'm not completely against it, just isn't that a lot based on one assumption? Or am I the one that wasn't raised right? When you put it that way considering on who raised me... I'm probably the one who wasn't raised right. Crap.       

        At around 1 o'clock we had lunch. And yes, we means; me and HIS friends, plus this one girl that I managed to become friends with. Her name is Tina. She about medium height with coffee brown hair. 

      "So, where was your other school?" Tina asked. "Well.... Um.... I don't really remember the name. This school is way better anyway," smile and look pretty, right? That's the name of the teenage girl game. 

        "Yeah, I guess that's all that matters. Sooooo.... Do you have a boyfriend? You're really pretty, so you must!" she exclaimed and leaned closer. Tim choked on his sandwich in laughter. I shot him a glare and a bit of a snarl. "Well, I kinda just got out of a relationship. Things just, didn't work out ya know?" I softly looked at Tina even though Tim was still choking a bit. My eyes narrowed as I looked at Tim, "Is there anything you want to add?" He finally swallowed and washed it down with some water. "No, but I'm guessing your quite the heart breaker then."

        Maybe he wasn't as nice and useful when you get to know him. Hey, I can manage someone who is just as sarcastic as me! No problem at all.

        "I wouldn't describe myself as a heartbreaker. I mean, if I have to break up with a guy I like to be as gentle as possible," I looked down, "Anyway! After this, what do we have?" He looked at me confused and then put on a straight face, "Gym, you want to go now? It's best we go early so you can get your gym uniform and locker."

        "Um, yeah," did I even mention that somehow me and him have almost the same schedule! If that doesn't sound suspicious then I don't know what does. Then again, he could've agreed to help me when they announced the new student and made my schedule. However, this whole thing seems so much more... Planned. By master or someone else? 

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