Chapter 7:Playing Hooky

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Chapter 7: Playing Hooky

            I couldn't help but wonder how that boy got sick. All day yesterday he looked fine, except after school. Maybe that was why he was acting all weird.

             He said to meet him in an hour but I went straight there. The seaport was such a great place to sit quietly and just think. Something I could do for days.

              I gazed at the water without a word said. It was more quiet than on the weekend. Probably cause all the teens are at school and most people are at work. A whole bunch of questions popped into my head. What was the sword exactly doing to help Mentor's weapon to work? When was Martin loosing his extremely cocky new attitude and look and going back to normal? Sadly normal was only a bit less cocky. I pondered on this for a long time. Tim arrive fifteen minutes before the time he had asked me to meet him.

            "Hey Al, been here long?" He greeted. "Nah, I just got here," I lied. He still had that uncomfortable tone in his voice. "So, what do you want to do?" I asked. "Well, there's this movie that came out on Monday that seemed interesting. Do you want to see it?" He suggested. I had only really gone to an actual movie theatre twice. "Sure, that sounds like fun," I smiled.

            Even though we could've easily taken my motorcycle I didn't feel like telling him about it yet so we took the bus. When we were on the line to buy tickets he told me it was an action, which anyone knows is completely fine with me. We were thirty minutes early so we had sometime before the movie to get popcorn and such. One police officer asked us "shouldn't we be at school" and we said that we got out early. Police are easy to fool, but I'm not gonna say that out loud.

            The movie was almost two hours and had lots of cool explosions. I especially enjoyed one part when the main character had to get out of the building in five minutes or else he would die with all of the random bad guy technology  in the building. After the movie I played some of the random shooting games in the lobby until I noticed these guys staring at me. Sure, I now how guys "check girls out" but these guys I reconized. They had ties with Mr. Freeze and other lame villains that didn't really enjoy me and my mentor's company. I could tell that they were gonna come over and a fight with Tim around wasn't something I wanted.

             "Tim," I whispered without turning my head from the game. "Those guys keep looking at me, do you me a favor?"

              "Sure," he whispered still looking at his game. "Put your hands around me and give them a dirty look." This time he couldn't help but look at me surprised. As the guy started moving towards us he put his hand on my shoulder and then wrapped his arms  around my upper chest, near my collar bone but  left inches between us. The guy continued walking. "Come closer," I continued playing the game. He pressed his chest on my back. This was super awkward but when he gave him a look he turned around and went to talk to his "friend" but they continued to stare. "He went back," Tim was trying to keep his act up.

            I saw the guy in the corner of my eye. "Can we leave then," I finished the game. And wrote a random name in the high score thing. Second place, not too shabby. Tim let go of me and we walked out holding hands. "That was awkward. You know those guys?" Tim kept his pace the same as mine. "Yeah, you can say that. They went to my old school and constantly harassed me," I lied again.  

          "They don't know your dating that guy?" He questioned. "No one does. Martin isn't even anything serious," I paused and went into a coffee shop. "If he's not anything serious than what are you doing with him?" Tim was being oddly nosey today. We got on the line. "It's nothing, don't worry about it." 

          We got two coffee's and sat down and annoyingly, the same guys walked in not too long after. Me and Tim sipped our coffee quietly. "You were really warm. When you get home you should stay in bed," I didn't look up from my coffee cup in my hands. "I'm fine. Sorry for getting into your business like that. I was out of line, who you date is your decision." he didn't look up. "Actually, Martin isn't my boyfriend he wishes he was though. He was taking advantage of the situation to make himself look cool. He's childish like that." I looked up at Tim and couldn't help but laugh. His hair was wet from the rain and in was down on his forehead in the oddest style. "What is it?" He finally looked up. I continued, "Your hair, you look good like that." He chuckled and smoothed his hair back.

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