Chapter 17:

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Chapter 17: 

            I waltzed myself over the the ruckus caused by Martin. "Alex! Where have you been?" He got up from leaning on his motorcycle. He wishes he had a motorcycle anything like mine.

           I grabbed a helmet. "Not so fast," he smirked, "before I drive you there you've got to give me a kiss on the cheek." He bent forward as the annoying crowd of kids chanted. I rolled my eyes and lightly slapped him. The crowd went, "Oooo!"

           He laughed and got on the bike, as did I.

           Halfway to Mentor's lair Martin starts asking nonsense. "So Alex, how's that first kiss coming along? I'm still open if you want kissing lessons." May I remind you this little brat is a year YOUNGER than me. Mentor made his body older but that doesn't change his attitude, sadly.

           "Actually, technically I already had my first kiss," I grinned holding on tightly to his stomach.            "Wait.. What!" The entire bike wobbled dramatically. " Cheek doesn't count."

           "I know, I had a real kiss. Trust me, I would be the first to know." The last thing I wanted to do was tell him who it was... But with Martin there's no harm in hinting small details. He isn't smart enough to put two pieces together.

           "Who would kiss you?" I imagined him rolling his eyes beneath his helmet. "How about telling me who would kiss you?"

          "I don't get it, when did this happen? The last time I picked you up you were so sensitive about kissing."

           "Well, this weekend" He started to exit off.  "This isn't the way to Mentor's lair."

           "Mentor wanted me to take a detour, plus I'm hungry," He headed towards a McDonald's, you know, one of the thousands in America. As he parked I awkwardly continued thinking. "You didn't answer, you want anything?"  I got off and placed my helmet on the seat.

            "Uh, just a medium fries." He got off the bike and fixed his hair. As we walked into McDonald's. Before we went in I looked inside through the window. Everything seemed normal but then I saw that jerk Catherine. "I grunted, "Please tell me we have to sit with her." He grinned and gave me a pair of sunglasses, "Actually, both of us have to sit with her and her annoying friend. I'll get the food, play nice."            I put on the glasses and pushed the door open, "You've got to be kidding." I rolled my eyes and then reluctantly smiled and approached Catherine. "Hey! So who's that you're with? Junior's gonna be mad when he finds out you're cheating on him with this stud," she leaned back in her chair. I grabbed a chair, "Very funny Cat, you make that one up on your own?"

            "Yeah, that's original," she took a sip of what looked like a smoothie. "Why am I here anyway?" I folded my arms. Martin sat down next to me and pushed the fries my way. "Oh what little ho, on a diet?" Martin stole some of my fries, "at least act like your having fun so we don't seem as sus." I fake laughed and then gave him the "happy now?" look.

            "So, you have what uncle wanted?" Martin casually took an enormous bite of his angus burger. I quietly ate my fries but I was staring at her so hard I thought I was gonna burn a whole into her head. I WISH I had the power to do that. "Yeah, you're lucky Cancer and Lex are friends cause otherwise I wouldn't let you have this. She threw a flash drive onto the table and then took some of my fries.             I thought I felt steam coming from my ears, I swear.

            IF I AM NOT CASUAL OR INFORMAL WITH YOU AT ALL YOU DO NOT STEAL MY FRIES!            "Thanks, cause I wanted you to take some." She tilted her head and then the right side of her upper lip did that thing where it goes up and the opposite side is tilted downward. How annoying can one person be?
             "Your very welcome," she smiled and mockingly chewed. Her odd friend just kept giggling to himself... Or herself. I really couldn't tell. He had light brown hair like her's only without blue highlights and their hair was a lot shorter and cuter. His skin was pale like a white crayon and he was wearing what could only be described as a casual steam punk outfit. Goggles and all. I have to admit it, he can pull it off.

             Unlike Catherine who obviously had no sense of style. Remember what I said about a female urban joker. Yeah, I take it back, she's worse.

           "So, what's your name?" I pointed my chin up and down at the casual steam punk kid. "Just call my Rafael," he let out his hand for a shake. "So he is a boy I guess," I thought while shaking his hand. My laughed again.

            "What is it?" I crumbled the empty cardboard container that once held French fries. "Oh it's nothing, just... yeah. See you then," he smiled and then walked out. Don't get me wrong, I'm still impressed by the outfit, just wasn't out goal to not attract attention.

            "Don't get any ideas girly, he isn't looking for a girlfriend. Especially one that has two others," Cat's eyebrows narrowed. "I'm not interested, and I don't even have one boyfriend," I wanted to rip her mouth off her face. Wouldn't that be a blessing to us all.

            "We've gotta go Aaa---- cura," Martin slipped. I almost big my tongue off. Imagine if he had said Alex? "What's wrong, can't talk lover boy?" She bit her lip. All of her facial expressions made me want chop the table in half. "Bye Cat, it was nice to see you," I smiled and waved goodbye to her. The moment I excited I let out a burst of words that would get me in trouble.

            Martin was laughing and walking to his bike the whole time. "It seems you're very passionate about this," he threw my helmet at me. I grunted and placed it on my head, "Are you kidding me! You're telling me nothing about her annoyed you!" He laughed some more, "I didn't say that." I hopped on the back of him and wrapped my arms around his stomach... That sounds terribly wrong but it's literal.             As we entered the highway again I shifted my head so it was resting on his back. "What did you get from her anyway?"

            "I'm not sure, when I went to his lair after school he told me to go get you and pick it up for him." Martin get's out of school an hour before me since he starts an hour earlier. "Oh, cool." 

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