#109 Flower [Kise x Reader] -requested-

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Dedicated to @Mako-Chan23 ! Thank you for requesting! 🍃

This will be in 3rd person point of view ^.^


The wind blew through the plant, sending it's leaves and flowers flying off into the air. The leaves sprinkled onto the ground but the flowers, however, followed the wind, with one flower in particular following the flow with the hardest time.

"Hi there. I'm [Last Name] [First Name], nice to meet you!" The new [Hair Colour]-haired teen, [First Name] greets her new classmates. She smiles sweetly, "I hope we get along!" She cheers, bowing slightly.

She looked around the class and saw the amused stares of the people she has yet to know.

"Okay, [Last Name]-san," The teacher calls out, "Please take a seat anywhere available."

As she walked by a row, hearing snickers and seeing sarcastic smiles on the girls' lips, she lost confidence.

However, she closed an eye and continued walking until her leg got caught onto someone's foot and she fell flat onto her bum.

"Is everything alright, [Last Name]-san?" The teacher asks from the front of the room.

She stood up and faced her teacher with a clumsy expression, "A-ah... I-I only tripped, sensei!"

The teacher gave a nod and went back to writing something down on the board. With the teacher's back to the students, the girls rolled their eyes and snickered.

Oh boy, she thought, this was going to be a long year.

The flower struggled to follow the wind for it was the odd flower. It was much bigger than the rest but the most brightest and vivid.

She stuck out like a sore thumb. The next day, she was already known as the new girl. She didn't know why it always happened, even with her previous schools.

She held her binder to her chest and held her head down, walking to her classroom. She had a yellow jacket over her Teiko uniform and her hair into a ponytail.

She bumps into someone and apologizes. "Oi. Watch where you're going, new kid."

"S-sorry," She bows to the girl she bumped into as she heard gasps all around her

Suddenly, her binder was lifted out of her hands and it landed onto the floor. "How pathetic," She listens to the girls' laughter as they strode away.

[First Name] dropped onto the floor and gathered the fallen papers into her binder, tears falling from her eyes.

When the wind stopped carrying the beautiful pink flowers with it, the flower watched as the other flowers being picked off the trees by little boys as they tucked the flowers into girls' hair.

It was just another day of school for them and there was a newcomer. "Class, I'd like you to meet Kise Ryouta! He's a new student of this class."

Hushed whispers and excited squeals could be heard as the door opened, revealing a blonde male who flashed the class a charming smile. "Kise-kun, please sit wherever you like!"

A pause was heard as the blonde scanned the room, to land on a [Hair Colour] haired teen with her head down. He could spot her twiddling fingers underneath her desk.

He walked over to the table next to her -which was conveniently empty- and sat down as the teacher resumed with the lesson.


"Eh?!" One of the girls squealed. "Aomine-kun asked you out to the dance?!"

Word has spread out for an upcoming dance. [First Name] calmly took out her sport shoes from her shoe locker and proceeded to wear her shoes.

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