#104 Wish [Kuroko x Reader] -requested-

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Dedicated to @kawaii_kim05 ! Thanks for requesting! 🎀


Your best friend, Kuroko Tetsuya, had brought you out for a star gazing picnic. You two sat on a blanket with your sparkling drinks in between you two.

You laughed as he continuously joked about everything. You talked about everything and anything as the night stars smiled down on you.

"That's Leo," Kuroko looked through a telescope he brought. He motions for you to look and you see the stars just not the combination.

"Where?" You ask and he tells you to look straight, guiding your hands to hold the telescope. "Oh! I see it!"

"They're so pretty!" You say as you look up at the sky. The wind blows through your hair as you hear Kuroko murmur something under his breath. "What?"

"Nothing, [First Name]-chan." Kuroko brushes off. You sweat drop as he sips his drink.

The wind wafted through his hair and his blue eyes looked more dreamy than ever under the star filled sky.

This was one of the times you wished that you would've been in a relationship with him. You wanted to cuddle up with him as stars danced above you. You wanted to kiss him while the wind caressed your skin.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when you saw a shiny speck at the corner of your eye.

You turned to see a shooting star. "Tetsuya-kun, look!" You called out to the light blue haired boy.

You close your eyes and made a wish with a smile plastered etched on your face. As you opened your eyes, you were met with light blue ones staring right back at you.

You blinked as his eyes trailed to your lips then back to your eyes. You shyly look down as your cheeks burned with embarrassment.

He lifts you head up with his fingers underneath your chin and begins to lean in. Unknowing on what to do, you catch yourself leaning in ever so slightly.

You closed your eyes as you felt warm lips on yours to which you responded to. Your hands automatically went up to his hair as his arms snaked around your waist, bringing you closer to him.

After you pulled away, you stare up into his blue orbs. "Whoa..."

He smiled softly at you, "Sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?" You laugh.

"I was just fulfilling my wish." He tells you and you gave him a short peck to assure him that it was fine.

"Thanks for that," You say against his chest. "Fulfilling my wish too, I mean."

"I would do it a billion more times, if you'd let me, [First Name]-chan." You hear him say before kissing the top of your head.


I hope you liked it ♥︎

Coming Soon:

☼ Mitobe x reader -requested-

☼ Midorima x reader -requested-

--- trivia ---

Dancing in general is a stress reliever, so is music! So if you're feeling stressed or like you have too much on your mind, try dancing or singing aloud!

If this doesn't work, then, lay down, burst some music through your headphones and let it take you away. Sleep, if you can. You'd feel much better right afterwards.

- Yeo Rin

[ Finished on 10th March 2015 ]

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