#72 [Kagami x Reader] -requested-

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Dedicated to the creative @EddesClaireLeao ! She gave me a storyline to work with, which is -

- Kagami & you are besties
- He likes someone else but unfortunately that girl is your most hated enemy
- They got together
- She bragged to you about their relationship
- You slapped/hit her
- She told on you to Kagami
- Kagami confronts you and starts to act coldly towards you
- Members of Seirin Team get curious

And after that is my unicorn imagination 🌈💓🌸🎀🌂

Soooo as you can see from above, it might be a long one shot c:

Thank you for requesting! 🌸

P.S - Contains bad words, please censor them as you please.


You and the Seirin Team were sitting in a circle, playing truth or dare in a sleepover at your house.

You sat next to Kagami, sipping your soda as Riko spins the bottle that laid right in the middle of you.

The tip of the bottle points to Izuki and he looks at Riko eagerly. "Izuki~" Coach's 'innocent' voice calls with a glint in her eyes, "Truth or dare?"

"Uh... I dare choose truth." He says, grinning cheekily.

"If you were a girl, who would you date in this circle?" She asks.

He looks to you, "I'd become a lesbian and date [Last Name]-chan~"

"Ehhhh?!" You instantly respond, horrified of his decision.

"Dating my best friend is not an option, senpai." Kagami pulls you protectively and everyone laughs, including you.

"Then I'd date Mitobe~" He hugs the said person who's beside him. "He's so cute!" He says, rubbing their cheeks together.

Mitobe tries to push Izuki off and does so, making him pout. "My turn!" He spins and it lands on Kagami.

"Kagami, truth or dare?" He asks your red headed best friend.

Your eyes shift to Kagami, "Truth."

"Who do you like?" Izuki asks instantly and everyone pays attention to Kagami, seeing him blush slightly.

"Uh... Can I change to dare?" He suggests and Izuki thinks of it.

"Mmm... Fine, I dare you to tell us who your crush is." Izuki points and Kagami sighs.

"It's..." He blushes, shifting his eyes to you, your heart skips a beat, wondering why he looked at you, "It's [Enemy's Name]..."

You instantly felt a pang in your heart with no explanation whatsoever. You blinked a few times as everyone clapped and whistled at his love interest.

Riko and Hyuuga looked at you unsurely, then looked at each other and back to you. You gave them a questioning smile and they shook their heads.

The game went on and you were being more quiet than usual, but of course being the dork Kagami was, he didn't notice anything.


Later that night, Kagami and you hang out in your room. You were taking towels from your cabinet for the team while Kagami sat on your bed.

"Oi [First Name]," You hear your best friend from behind you. You hum questioningly, "Why are you so quiet?"

You shrugged off your surprise and placed the towels on the table. "Have I been quiet?" You force out a laugh.

"Don't give me that, I know you too well to be fooled by that." He sighs.

"I just didn't want to hear something earlier," You admit, "That's all~"

Kuroko No Basket One Shots [ KnB x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now