#115 Standards [Kise x Reader] -Requested-

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I decided to combine a challenge and a request! Requested by @Akabane_Ayu_2513 ! (I hope I got your username right!) It's not exactly.... Sad. But I tried ;-;

{{{ Challenge: Shuffle your playlist and write something inspired by the first song that plays }}}

Song: Sia - Chandelier


Your manager shoots you a look, and you let out a discrete cough and immediately straighten up. Holding the wine glass between your dainty, slim fingers, you continue to plaster on a smile.

Today was the annual red carpet event and after a year of your fame and success, you were invited.

[Dress in the media] A white one shoulder dress hugged your figure while your [Hair Colour] hair was up. Your bronze stilettos added to your height. It also made your legs look much longer and leaner. Makeup caked your face, giving the illusion of a slimmer you.

Being a celebrity meant being perfect. Being an icon. But it sucked. It basically meant that you had to have a flat tummy, flawless skin, a thigh gap, perfect nails 24/7.

"[First Name]cchi!" You hear a familiar voice of your date call out to you and paparazzi started going ballistic, flashing cameras your way.

Putting on your best smile, "Ryouta-kun." You watched as the blond engulfs you in a hug.

"You look absolutely gorgeous," He compliments, kissing your cheek. "Shall we go inside, then?"

After you nod, he takes your hand in his and leads you inside.


Being seated at the third row from the front meant that everything you did would not go unnoticed, especially with the gorgeous blond model next to you who was loving the attention.

You crossed your legs as Kise animatedly talked to you. You let out a few giggles here and there, sharing your opinion when asked to.

You were careful to move around, in case you showed an ungraceful side of you.

When the lights dimmed, the crowd hushed down.


"And the best female breakthrough goes to..." The host trails off as he opens the golden envelope in his hands, "[Last Name] [First Name]!"

The crowd applauds as you stared in shock. Kise places a kiss on your cheek, "Congratulations, [First Name]cchi!"

With a smile etched on your face, you went through the clapping audience to the stage. Before you could let go completely and be super happy, at the corner of your eye, you realized the screen zooming in on you, following your every move towards the stage.

Moving as gracefully and elegantly as possible, you reached the stage, accepting the award. You gave a little speech thanking your peers, family and friends. Afterwards, you reclaim your spot next to the blond.

"And that was the gorgeous [First Name]! It seems not only is her singing ability incredible, but recently, she was also claimed one of the most beautiful women to walk this earth!" The host announces and you feel yourself shrink in your seat. You forced out a sincere smile as the audience once again cheered for you.

As the event ended, you joined Kise in his car as he took you out for dinner. Him once again animatedly talking to you about everything and anything. You did not once allow any signs of your actual mood and waited patiently on the passenger's seat.


After eating dinner, Kise ordering a steak meal and you content with salad and a small dish of pasta, he sent you to your condo. Before leaving, he plants a kiss on your lips and congratulates you once again making the mood you had earlier resurface.

"Good night, Ryouta-kun." You bid him as he turns to leave. You close the door before abandoning your stilettos, running toward the bathroom.

Third POV

The blond walks to his car, a smile on his face. Slipping into the driver's seat, he notices a bronze clutch bag and trophy on the passenger's seat.

Picking them up, he sets out back to [First Name]'s house to return her belongings. "[First Name]cchi! You left your-" He starts, instantly stopping when he hears terrible sounds coming from the bathroom.

His smile drops. Placing her things on the table, he approaches the bathroom, "[First Name]cchi?"

Upon opening the door, the stench of puke made him cringe, but he ignored it when he saw his girlfriend being the source of the smell.

Crouching down next to her, he soothingly rubs circles against [First Name]'s small back.

After making sure nothing else was going to escape, [First Name] rose from her spot, flushing the contents of her stomach down. She rinses her mouth and faces the mirror, her back to Kise.

"Sorry, Ryouta-kun, you weren't supposed to see that," She manages a chuckle, tears forming at the corner of her eyes. "The dinner was lovely, I just-"

Before she could say anything else, Kise turns her around, bringing her to his chest, "Stop hurting yourself like this, you're so beautiful, please don't do it again, [First Name]cchi!"

Silently, she sobs against his chest.

--- Coming Up Next ---

♥︎ Aomine x Reader [Requested]
♥︎ { O P E N }
♥︎ { O P E N }
♥︎ { O P E N }
♥︎ { O P E N }

Now, so that I remember your requests, please comment your requests onto the '✿ Requests ✿' section below the chapters!

✿ Requests ✿



In case you forgot who I am, I'm Rin! Sorry for disappearing!

- Yeo Rin

『Monday, 09-11-15』

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