#124 Cheeky [Kise x Reader]

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"[First Name]cchi would never suspect a thing!" Kise giggled to himself as he balanced himself on the chair.

Once he was satisfied, he got off the chair carefully, in hopes he did not wake you up. Slowly walking back to your shared bedroom, he got into the covers with you, snuggling you until he fell asleep.

The next morning, you woke up first. You see Kise's sleeping face and smiled. You placed a kiss on his cheek and slowly got out of his hold, going into the bathroom to take a shower, afterwards going to the walk-in closet.

After you've dressed into something warm and comfortable, you came out of the closet to see an empty bed. Where did he go? Your question was answered by the sound of the shower.

You walked to the kitchen to make some breakfast. Letting out a yawn, you gathered the ingredients for blueberry pancakes.

You were on the last pancake when you felt arms snake around your waist and a chin on your shoulder, "Mmm, [First Name]cchi, it smells amazing!"

You felt yourself relax into his arms as you turn the heat off, taking the pancake off the pan and onto the plate. You turn around and giggle at his tousled wet hair. "Good morning, Ryouta."

"Morning!" Kise giddily says, "Before we eat breakfast, look up, [First Name]cchi!"

You look up to see a mistletoe and you looked back at him with an amused smile, "When did that get there?"

His arms wrapped a little tighter around your waist as he cheekily smiled back at you, "It's been there since foreeeeever," He says, leaning into you.

Your hands wind up around his neck as your lips connect in a sweet and passionate kiss. A low whine sounds from him as you tug on his hair lightly, signaling that you need air.

You two pulled away, panting. He connects his forehead with yours and stares into your eyes, "Merry Christmas, [First Name]cchi!"

"Merry Christmas, Ryouta." You smile at him, staring right back at his honey orbs.

--- extended ending ---

Setting the stack of pancakes between the two of you, you sat in front of him. You cut a piece before plopping it into your mouth. "Oh, by the way, Ryouta," You say when you have swallowed the chunk, "I knew about it before you told me."

"Wh-what?! How?" He asks, his fork pausing midway to his mouth.

"You left the chair underneath it, you dork." You tell him, laughing amusedly. He whines in disagreement and you give him an amused smile, "It was a good effort, though!"

--- A/N ---

Belated Merry Christmas to all of you celebrating!

--- Coming Up Next ---

♥︎ Kiyoshi x Reader
♥︎ Murasakibara x Reader
♥︎ Kuroko x Reader
♥︎ Akashi x Reader
♥︎ Izuki x Reader

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--- quote ---

"You don't need another human being to make your life complete, but let's be honest. Having your wounds kissed by someone who doesn't see them as disasters in your soul, but cracks to pour their love into, is the most calming thing in the world." - Emery Allen

- Yeo Rin

『 28-12-15 』

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