#83 Unexpected [Kise x Reader] -requested-

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Dedicated to @Satsukiii_Tetsu !

Thank you for requesting! 💖

The next three one shots, including this one, might possibly make you cry... Just a warning...



You were at home with your fiancé, Kise Ryouta, having a rest day from wedding planning.

It was a peaceful day, and you basically thought it was too good to be true but you didn't want to read into it, so you just enjoyed the day.

You sat on the couch with Kise's head on your lap as you watched tv, stroking his blonde hair.

"[First Name]cchi~" Kise calls and you hum a response. "Don't you think today's a little off?"

"Off?" You ask, "What do you mean?"

"I mean like... It's just way too peaceful..." Kise says, unsurely.

That's what I thought, you thought to yourself.

"Wanna go to [Your Younger Sister's/Brother's Name]'s house?" You ask him and he nods.

He beamed, "It's been a while since we've seen [Your Younger Sister's/Brother's Name]cchi!"

"Hai, then let's go," You pecked his lips and he sat up, hoisting you up with him.


You gave your sibling a call and he/she answers in two rings. "Hello?"

"[Sibling's Name]-chan~" You greet.

"[First Name] onee-chan!" You hear the excited voice of your younger sibling, "What's up?"

"I was wondering if you were free, Ryouta suggested we go to the beach like we used to." You wait for his/her response.

"Oh my gosh, thank you, I'm so bored at home!" He/she says.

"Cool, we'll meet you there in... An hour?" You ask and he/she mutters a 'yeah'.

"Love you, onee-chan, see you later." He/she says before you answer and hang up the call.


After getting your swimsuit and essential things, you got into your car with Ryouta and he drives you to the usual beach you hung out at and you were more than excited, getting to see your sibling after so long.

Your fiancé chuckles and brings your hand to his lips, "Calm down, [First Name]cchi~"

You playfully pout but stopped when you saw your sibling's car on the side of the road with a couple of police cars and an ambulance around it.

The car was upside down and looked as if it had been on fire. "Ry-Ryouta..." You look to him with fear clear in your eyes.

He looked to you and looked back to the road, pulling over right in front of them. You both pile out and walk hand in hand to the scene.

You were a little bit scared to find out what was happening but Ryouta assured you, keeping you close, holding you firmly.

"Are you family?" The policeman asks you two and you nod. "I-I'm sorry for your loss, miss." He bowed his head slightly,

"Wh-what?" You ask, bringing your hand to your chest, bracing yourself for the truth.

"The victim in the car was found dead, she/he seemed to have caught fire and was trapped in the car when it flipped." The policeman explained hesitantly. "I'm sorry, miss."

"Th-that can't be..." You feel tears well up in your eyes, "No.... That's not..." You feel tears escape your eyes and you were brought into a warm embrace.

"I'm so sorry, [First Name]cchi..." Ryouta says, holding you protectively to his body as you weeped to him.


After crying to your parents, you finally stopped crying. You felt numb, your sibling wasn't here anymore...

Love you, onee-chan, see you later.

[Sibling's Name]'s last words echoed through your head. You burst out into silent tears, covering your face with your hands.

You felt the couch dip beside you and see that it was Ryouta, who looked as if he has been crying as well.

He pulled you to him, your head on his shoulder as you cried. "Sweetheart," You hear your mother call with her raspy voice, indicating that she had been crying too, "Are you ready to go?"

You look up to your mother and she gives you a sad smile. You nod and stood up with Ryouta right beside you, helping you walk.


You visited [Sibling's Name]'s body before it was to be lifted into the grave at the hospital. The doctor pulled out a body drawer to reveal your sibling laying there with his/her eyes shut and not moving.

"We'll give you a moment, sweetie." Your mother says as she gives your shoulder a tight squeeze before leaving the area.

You went with Ryouta and neared [Sibling's Name]'s body, that was ice cold and peaceful looking.

"That was really unexpected, huh?" You chuckle quietly as tears threatened to fall.

With no response, you held his/her cold hand, "Please tell me you're joking, that you're actually asleep..." You cried and when you received no response after you thought he/she was going to break out into a smile and laugh, "Not a prank this time... is it?"

You looked to your sibling's blank face and caressed it, "I'm going to miss you," You say as you bend down for a hug, "Be happy and safe alright?" You cried, kissing his/her cheek, "Onee-chan loves you."

Before you left with Ryouta, you felt a ghost of a hug on you, with the wind whispering... "I love you too."


I hope you liked it! ;n;

Tbh I don't remember what you said, but it was somewhere along "that'll make me cry" 😅 so I'm sorry if this was really really reaaaaally off 😭

And... This one shot had a message in it, love the people who love you before it's too late, we all have deadlines and we can't tell when we're going to die. Leave the ill intentions aside, life's too short to hate :)

I know younger siblings can be a pain in the butt, trust me, I'd know with a monkey for a little brother and a spoiled princess for a little sister, but... They're who you're going to grow up with most, being with them since their birth makes them basically your companion for life.

Appreciate them, as how they look up to you. It may seem like they don't but they do, in some ways. I look up to my older sister, who's not even blood related to me but I still love her, who's usually very friendly and nice. Psst hi yu neechan 💓

Coming Soon:

☯ Himuro x reader -requested-

☯ Aomine x reader -requested-

☯ Akashi x reader -requested-

☯ Aomine x reader -requested-

☯ Himuro x reader -requested-

{{ 8 days left }}

- Rin { 28/12/14 } ⛄️

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