#14 I'll Protect You [Wakamatsu x reader]

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Early update for this :3


P.S: Invent a guy's full name, you'll need it later on in the story.


You were frustrated being Touou's goddess, ever since you transferred to Touou, guys have been annoying the hell out of you. At first, you found it cute that many boys confessed to you, having little little crushes.

But as time goes by, many confessions have been made, by several males, you got so irritated but being the nice person you are, you began to just deal with it patiently, declining them properly and cleanly.

One day, during break time, you went up to the roof where you found your childhood friend, Wakamatsu Kokuse. He was leaning against the rail, looking like he's in deep thought.

He only realized your presence after hearing the door leading to the roof creek open. His facial expression softens and he gives a little wave, "Yo [First Name]."

"Hey Kuse-chan." You smile, leaning right beside him. He doesn't know about your frustration as you two have not talked since two weeks ago. You wanted to give him his space with his stress with Aomine and the team and all.

He clicked his tongue, "I told you not to call me that..."

"Okay, okay," You laughed, "Kuse-kun." He face-palmed, making you laugh again, making him join you laughing.

You stared up at the sky and heaved a stressed sigh. Which you mentally hit yourself for, if Kokuse was observing, he would've realized something's wrong. "What's wrong?" - Ah, speak of the devil.

You wracked your brain, "Nothing is, just a bit tired from school work and all that..." 'Good going, [First Name]' you thought, mentally patting yourself on the back.

He raises an eyebrow, "Don't stress yourself so much," he chuckles, "You're only in your first year of high school too!"

You sweat-drop, "Hey, easy for you to say!" He laughs at your frustration.

"But really though," He stops laughing, "What's the matter?"

"Nothing-" You start but got cut off.

"Oh come on, [First Name], I'm not your childhood friend for nothing..." He faces you.

"Don't laugh," You sigh and start telling him. "Ever since I've came here, boys have been flocking around me, confessing every now and then, I'm so sick of all of it Kokuse..."

You glanced at him, who was already looking at you, "When has this started?"

"What- um..." You thought hard, "Ever since I got here, so... 4 months ago?"

You see him clench his jaw, and in a matter of seconds, he enveloped you in a hug, which you returned, "Kokuse?" He snuggles into your neck.

"Seriously..." He mutters, "I can't even leave you alone for a second and guys are already all over you."

You laugh at his sudden change, "Don't worry about it..."

"I'll protect you, [First Name]..." He continues, hugging you tighter.

You chuckle, "Hai hai." And so, the bell rang, indicating the end of break time. "See you later, Kuse-kun~"

"See ya, I'll walk you home." He says, you nod and you both left for your classes.


When you entered your classroom, classes started, and this douchebag at the front of the class kept on glancing at you, flashing a "killer" smile, making his fangirls behind you squeal silently. You ignore him and listened to the teacher.


At the end of school, as promised, Wakamatsu went to fetch you, however, he was a tad bit late.

Right after the teacher left, the douchebag earlier, [Last Name] [First Name], came up to you and everyone in the classroom stared at both of you at the center of the classroom. Whispers were heard from everyone.

"I was watching you, goddess of Touou," He tilts your chin upwards so you were looking into his eyes, "You're quite a beauty. Would you give me the honor of being your boyfriend?" You mentally sighed, 'another one...' You thought.

"I'm sorr-" You start but someone beats you to it.

"Sorry dude, but she's mine." You hear that way too familiar voice from the door. "Hey babe." He says, walking towards you, taking your hand as he plants a kiss on your cheek, making you blush. "Let's go." He says, dragging you outside, walking you home.

"Uh..." You start and Wakamatsu stops walking and faces you, "What was that....?"

He chuckles, "I did tell you I'd protect you, didn't I?"

With that, he entwines your hands and walks you home, making you laugh at his jokes and whatnot.


Sorry if he was OOC here ;-;

Coming soon:

☯ Riko x reader

☯ Kise x reader

☯ Akashi x reader

☯ Murasakibara x reader

☯ << OPEN >>

- Rin { 26/09/14 } 💕

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