50 Random Facts About Me... Thingy

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I've been requested to do the '50 Random Facts About Me' thing, so here it is ^.^

{ P.S - 50 is a lot, you know 😂 (you know who you are) }

1 - My real name is Jasmin Amanina but I prefer to be called by my chinese name, Yeo Rin or just Jas

2 - I'm that weird, confident girl who's really quiet when you first meet her but is very loud and eccentric when you get to know her

3 - I'm 144cm tall

4 - I feel like I don't have many friends because people hear bad rumors about me or how I acted badly in the past and they constantly judge me without thinking

5 - I can't stand still, or sit still, I suffer from Akathisia

6 - I'm severely asthmatic, so I don't do much sports because I can be out of breath, or what's come to worse, die at any time, and I'm not even exaggerating on this 😅

7 - I have a soft spot for cats but I'm terrified of their claws

8 - I'm the eldest out of 3 children

9 - I have one little brother, Danial, one little sister, Sarah, one best-friend-slash-older-brother, Nate and one best-friend-slash-older-sister, Deen (idk what you want me to refer you as here neechan, if you read this 😂)

10 - I used to have a fear of lightning, but I don't anymore because my ex-classmates have shown me that if you're in the building, you can't be hurt

11 - I used to self-harm, but I don't anymore because I don't see the point of doing so

12 - 12 is my favorite and lucky number

13 - I like the colour blue and white

14 - I like using the internet slang in texts but I wouldn't use it in real life, like in texts I would text, "ikr lol idrk" but in real life, I'd say "I know right? -laughs- I don't really know"

15 - I'm a youtube addict

16 - I'm not a gamer, I don't enjoy playing games on the PC, I prefer reading or sleeping instead, but I play mobile games

17 - I sleep a lot, you know that post 'It's either I have insomnia or I sleep for 14 hours, there's no in between'? Well, that ain't me, I sleep, I don't suffer from insomnia and I usually sleep for 10-14 hours

18 - I'm addicted to all kinds of tea, especially if they're strawberry infested

19 - I like wearing oversized shirts and sweaters, but when I walk around the shopping centre with a tudong, I look weird in it

20 - I prefer flats, boots and sneakers over heels

21 - I can't concentrate on one thing, like for example, I was writing a one shot, and it's requested, so I go to my photos to go through my screenshots to figure out who requested for that one shot, but then I would scroll through other pictures, then when I look at the time, I say "omg I have to write!" And then I exit the app and go to my notes to continue then I repeat this over three times every single time

22 - I like to keep my hair length at least below my chest, and I hate, hate, hate it so much when my parents say "let's go get you a haircut."

23 - I like working on diy projects in my free time, because I don't like to just sit at home doing nothing, so if you for some reason go into my room, you will definitely see so many diy projects completed

24 - I like headwear; beanies, fedoras, caps, headbands, flower crowns, you name it

25 - I honestly have only 3 handbags and the rest are either backpacks or sling bags.

26 - I play the guitar and, if my parents allow it after next year, I will start to have violin lessons

27 - I despise dresses, I prefer hoodies and jeans any day

28 - I'm almost 24/7 on my phone, but I'm not texting, or scrolling through my twitter newsfeed or instagram newsfeed, I'm simply playing mobile games or writing

29 - I cannot go anywhere without my phone, wallet and earphones

30 - I get irritated towards people really easily, but I usually ignore my irritation and just continue to entertain them

31 - I don't really like being mean or sarcastic, basically I don't like hurting other people's feelings but somehow, I usually build up to that

32 - I sleep talk a lot and I can't keep still while sleeping, so I would twist and turn, even if I'm not having a nightmare

33 - I take really long to get out of the shower, only because I keep bringing my phone inside the bathroom and getting distracted by it

34 - Most of my relatives from both my mom and dad's sides don't like me, and they prefer Danial and Sarah over me any day, and I still don't understand why

35 - I like dancing

36 - I think I'm pretty flexible, but of course in the eyes of others, I'm pretty sure I'm not flexible at all

37 - I live by the quote "You know my name, not my story. You see my smile, not my pain. You see my cuts, not my scars." Because it's what defines my life the most in the eyes of others

38 - My all-time-favorite drink would be Pokka Ice Passionfruit Tea

39 - I classify my birthday, 12 August, as a curse, because a lot of my loved ones pass away every year on the day itself

40 - I want to give my hair blue highlights so bad

41 - I always think 3-4 steps ahead before I do anything because I don't believe in "go with the flow" and I also think of plan B and C incase my original plan doesn't work out

42 - I take everything way too seriously, like that time when I was playing 'kaki tiga' (a malay game) for Physical Education class with my classmates, I literally analyzed everyone on the opposing team and debated in my mind what I could do so that they lose (defos a sweatdrop moment)

43 - I get bored of things really, really easily

44 - I take selfies a lot but don't post them, I just really regret taking them sometimes because my friends like going through my phone and then they'll go to my photos and I'll snatch my phone and go all secretive (another sweatdrop moment ik 😅)

45 - I was really embarrassing as a child

46 - I like applying the henna thing on my hand because it looks like a tattoo

47 - I like singing, it doesn't really matter where I am, I will sing, even if I'm terrible at it

48 - My mind is constantly playing playlist of songs

49 - I'm really possessive over my significant other but I never show it, in fear that he would leave me for being clingy or annoying

50 - I have dimples and they show whenever I smile or talk, which is most of the time because I like smiling and I am a chatterbox

Soooo that was hard 😂 Thanks for requesting, -censored- (she doesnt want me to mention her name so... 😅)

Coming Soon:

☯ Kuroko x reader -requested-

☯ Hanamiya x yandere -requested-

☯ Midorima x reader

☯ Kise x reader

☯ Kasamatsu x reader

{{ 37 days to go }} (lol I swear, I cannot count, the previous one shots were wrong I think 😅)

- Rin { 29/11/14 } 💓

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