#20 Wink [Himuro x Reader] -requested-

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Requested by @The2ndTeikoManager ! She has a KnB one shot book, so go check her out! I love her book! Her one shots are really long and cute :3

{ not sure if she has another book, but I've only read the KnB one shots }

Thank you for requesting 💕


You were sitting on the roof with your best friend that you had a crush on, Himuro Tatsuya. [LOL Idk why, but I like it when people are on the roof, like so many dramatic things can happen.]

The two of you were laughing at how you can't do one simple thing, winking. You kept trying but you ended up blinking instead.

"Oh come on, [Last Name]-chan," His melodic laughs fill your ears, "Just close one eye. Like this," He demonstrates a wink, making you blush.

Following his instructions after you've recovered from you blushing and laughing fit, failing miserably, making him laugh again. He murmurs something you didn't catch.

"What?" You asked him.

"Nothing~" He smiles, "well we should go now~ [Last Name]-chan." He stands up, holding out his hand to hoist you up, which you accepted with a light unnoticeable blush.

The bell rings, indicating break time is over. So you headed to your separate classes.

You sat down and paid attention to the teacher after she came in but you couldn't stop yourself from thinking about that wink.


You were sending the class attendance file to the staffroom and your teacher accidentally brought Himuro's test paper, so you were to bring it to his teacher.

It wasn't a long walk from your classroom, but it seemed like it was when you kept trying to wink, making it look like you're having an eye spasm.

You finally reached the staffroom and was about to enter when you heard the teacher scolding somebody and you didn't want to interrupt but you did when you heard, "How can you lose your paper, Tatsuya?"

Surely, Himuro's voice answered, "I have no idea, sir, it wasn't with me."

"Well, it's not with me either, so where is it?" The teacher's voice rang as you act like you heard none of it and knocked, making him quiet down.

"Sorry, I'm coming in!" You call as you open the door and walked inside.

The two merely glanced at you and almost went back to arguing, almost.

"Ah, [Random Name]-sensei! [Your Teacher's Name]-sensei accidentally brought Himuro-kun's paper to our classroom, she told me to give it to you." You politely said, smiling.

He examined the neat paper. "Ah, thank you." He cleared his throat. "You're free to go, Tatsuya."

Himuro looked at you and you winked at him before leaving the staffroom, surprising him.

"I'll take my leave," You hear Himuro say as he dashes out the staffroom, "[Last Name]-chan wait for me!"


I hope you like it ;-; sorry it's kinda short .-.

Coming soon:

☯ Kuroko x reader -requested-

☯ Kasamatsu x reader -requested-

☯ Izuki x reader

☯ Mitobe x reader

☯ << O P E N >>

- Rin { 30/09/14 } 💕

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