#3 Modeling [Kise x Reader]

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You basically had a photo shoot for Sazuki Magazine. There was a little thing that bothered you, you had a partner to model with, the Zunon Boy magazine model, Kise Ryouta. You had always admired how confident he was on set and especially his looks, and his personality, how he treated his fans and such. You had a little crush on him. On top of that, the public had shipped you with him, they had even came up with a ship name, [Ship Name].

"Oh my gosh," You heard a male voice exclaim, "You're [Last Name] [First Name]cchi!"

You turned to face the person as you heard your name to meet the boy you were going to model with. You plastered a smile on your face, "Nice to meet you, Kise-san, I'm a huge fan!" 'Wait... [Last Name] [First Name]cchi?' You thought.

"You're a huge fan? I am a huge fan of yours!" He exclaims, running to you to hug you. You blush at the sudden contact and he pulls away, looking at your blushing face. "No wonder they recommended you, [First Name]-cchi! You are very, very cute!"

You blush a deeper shade of red, "Th-thanks..."

"Ah yes! [Last Name] [First Name]-san, your dressing room is just around here, please get changed! Kise-kun, come with me!" Kise's manager tells both of you.

You answered with an enthusiastic 'hai' and left Kise with a 'see you in a bit'. He barked, as if wagging his imaginary tail. You laughed at him, making your way [A/N: DOWN TOWN WALKING FAST -slapped-] to your designated dressing room. Your first outfit was a very cute white lacey summer dress. It was a sleeveless dress that reached down to your mid-thigh. You had on a straw summer hat that had a white ribbon tied around it and white sandals that had little clear gems on it.

You walked out to the set and met with your blonde partner. He turned to look at you as you entered only to greet you with a blush sprawled across his cheeks.

You scanned him, he was wearing a green polo shirt that fit him perfectly, showing off his biceps through his short sleeves and black skinny jeans. With glasses hanging from his collar.

"You look great Kise-san!" You tell him, smiling with your eyes closed.

"E-eh..." He muttered out before clearing his throat and returning to his usual cheerful self. "You look so cute, [First Name]cchi!" You blushed, muttering a thanks. 'Crap that slipped.' He thought, mentally face-palming himself.

"On set you two!" Kise's manager told them as the photographer told you both what to do.

"You're on the beach and you're on a beach towel on the sand, act like a couple!" The photographer says.

You blush as Kise sits on the beach towel ready on set and pulls you down, making you sit on his lap. He wraps his arms around your waist from behind, his face on the crook of your neck, your ticklish spot. You laughed as a reaction. "Wait wait!" You say as he laughs with you. Snap. You heard but wasn't bothered by it.

You repositioned, you were on his lap now and he hugged you from behind again, now just smiling. You blushed, making it a cute couple gesture. Snap, you heard the camera go off.

"Brilliant! Next outfit please!" The photographer commanded as you got off Kise, offering him a hand to stand up. As your hands come in contact, you both blushed, a friendly smile still on your faces. Snap, you heard again.

You changed into the next outfit, which was a short-sleeved blue ruffle top and jean short shorts, showing off your long legs. Your stylist made your [Hair Colour] hair into a high ponytail, adding just light make up. It didn't even look like you were wearing make up, your face looked naked, making your natural beauty pop. You wore black flats and a charm bracelet on your right arm.

You thanked your stylist and walked out of the dressing room, once again meeting your blonde companion. He was now in a gray short-sleeved shirt, black skinny jeans and dark blue sneakers. He smiled at your figure. You smiled back as you headed to the set.

"Wonderful!" The photographer beams, "Now you're in the park, sharing earpiece."

The set looked like an actual park, with a park bench and grass and everything you'd find in a cliché park.

You both sat on the park bench as you were handed an iPod, an earpiece plugged into it. You offered the left side to Kise and he gladly took it, plugging it into his left ear and you plugged yours into your right. You played a song and it was surprisingly a metal song.

You hurriedly shut it off, looking at Kise afterwards. After short seconds, you both burst out laughing, you gripped your tummy as you laughed. He was laughing just as hard. Snap, you heard.

The laughing died down and you both posed properly, you looking away, a light blush sprawled over your cheeks. He looks at the "sky" as he had a slight blush on as well. Even if it was a fake blush, it looked pretty real. Snap.

"Perfect, perfect!" The photographer said after a couple of shots. "Last outfit please!"

You both did as told, getting up from the set and into your respective dressing rooms.

Your last outfit was a blue sport bra with a sweet pink crop top over it, with some short jean shorts and a pair of pastel pink flip-flops. You hair was now curled slightly.

Kise's outfit was a brown-almost-black tank top and 3/4 grey trousers. He had dark tinted shades on, and black flip-flops too.

"Wow, you guys look great!" The photographer gushed once again, "Well then, you're under the tree there, do your thing!"

Kise looked at you and led you to under the tree. You giggled as you were being pulled. You stopped right underneath the tree and Kise looked at you, locking his arms around your waist, so you locked your arms around his neck, looking right back at his eyes. He didn't have a smile anymore as he held you tighter. By instinct, you instantly looked down with a real light blush covering your cheeks, it was real hard not to blush, when you were very close. The photographer took a few pictures and thanked you and Kise, but Kise's grasp around your waist remained.

"Ne, [First Name]cchi," He forced you to look at him, "Do you like me?"

You instantly felt nervous, how did he know? "E-eh? Of course, I m-mean, I don't hate you." You accidentally slipped.

He connected your foreheads, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

You were surprised at this serious Kise but smiled, "Yes."

He leaned down to kiss you but met you halfway. He smiled into the kiss. Snaps were heard from the photographer's way.

The next day, Sazuki Magazine had published your photo shoot, with a picture on you and Kise kissing, with him smiling into the kiss with the heading '[Ship Name] is real!'


Yay c: sorry if my description of the clothes sucked .-. I'm not really into the descriptive thang~ But for the sake of the photo shoot, I tried my best :>

Coming up:

☯ Takao x reader

☯ Midorima x reader

☯ Akashi x reader

☯ Murasakibara x reader

☯ Kagami x reader

- Rin { 29/8/14 } 💕

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