#31 Wedding [Hyuuga x Reader] -requested-

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Dedicated to @ii_IceDemon_ii ! I'm sorry if this one shot is not satisfying :(

Thank you for requesting! 💕

Your aunt's wedding was taking place and it was grand. You were in a black and white zigzag patterned dress that came down to your mid-thighs and black high heels.

You requested for your boyfriend to come with you and hesitantly he agreed, it wasn't like it was his first time meeting your family, it was just that he always got nervous in front of them, afraid to slip up.

He came in a black tuxedo, a white dress shirt inside and blue tie, his hair was gelled slightly.

You held his hand as you greeted the other family members, them making comments on your company now and then.

You sat down with Hyuuga on your designated seats and waited for the bride to come and walk through the doors, to join her soon-to-be husband and finalize their marriage.

You caught Hyuuga staring and you looked at him. He smiled at you, taking your hand, kissing the top of it.

You blushed, "You look beautiful."

You laughed, kissing his cheek, "You look dashing."

As the doors open, revealing your aunt with her dress did, her hair done, makeup done. The crowd quiets down as she walks with her brother.

You smile as you feel Junpei behind you, wrapping his arms around you, his chin on your shoulder.

Once your aunt reaches the alter, the priest starts, the couple stating their vows.

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest announces as your aunt and uncle seals the deal, with a kiss.

The crowd, including you and Junpei, applauds. "That's gonna be us one day, [First Name]." He whispers, making you blush.

You nod, "I hope so."


I hope you liked it! 💕

I rewrote this like 7 times m(_ _)m

And I mistook your request for a request for Teppei instead of Junpei...

I'm so sorry ;-;

I had no idea what to write for this one tbh :(

Also, my culture has none of this in a wedding 😂 I just chose to use this type of typical wedding set bc I'm pretty sure most of you would be confused to why my culture does it so differently. 😅 SO SORRY IF ITS ACTUALLY WRONG!!!!! 🙏

I'm getting worse at this sigh

Coming soon:

☯ Kise x reader -requested-

☯ Akashi x reader -requested-

☯ Kagami x reader -requested-

☯ Human Nigou x reader

☯ Aomine x reader

- Rin { 21/10/14 } 💕

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