#77 Secret Love [Mitobe x Reader] -requested-

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Dedicated to @AngelMemory !

Thank you for requesting! 💘


You were just about done locking up the gym and making sure everything was in place before you saw a crate the team was supposed to bring with them to the trip. You picked it up to find with it filled with towels and bottles, probably for practice later on in the trip.

You looked around in the darkness to see if anyone of the team members came back to get the crate but it was already dark and you doubted that they'd be coming along now.

You shrugged and took the crate with you, going home to get your things to join the rest of the Seirin Team.


You wore a simple light blue jean sleeveless top, tucked into a knee-length white skirt and flats. You packed your necessary things for a one week trip and your mom drove you to the camping site.

You brought the crate with you and kissed your mother goodbye. You walked to the camping site, to which you could see from a mile away that they were sitting in a circle around a camp fire.

To your arrival, Riko greeted you and thanked you for the forgotten crate. Once you sat at the bench with everyone else, your boyfriend, Mitobe Rinnosuke sat beside you.

You smile as he offers you a marshmallow. Taking it, you poked it on a stick, holding it close to the fire.

"You two sure you aren't dating?" Izuki asks, and you and Mitobe looks at each other, chuckling at the question.

You lean on Mitobe's shoulder and he smiles, "Maybe..." You answer and Riko gasps.

"And you didn't tell me?!" Riko asks, "I'm very hurt, [First Name]."

You laugh and sit up straight as your marshmallow catches fire. You waved it around and hovered it above the fire, feeling Mitobe kiss your cheek.

You hear the boys, excluding Kagami, Kuroko and Mitobe, sigh. "If this is how it is, I'm going to be silent from now on too," Izuki whines, making everyone laugh.


Hope you liked it! ;-;

Coming Soon:

☯ Nijimura x reader -requested-

☯ Murasakibara x yandere -requested-

☯ Izuki x reader -requested-

☯ Hanamiya x reader -requested-

☯ Sakurai x reader -requested-

{{ 12 days to go }} someone get me a bucket, my tears are over-flowing. TT-TT

- Rin { 24/12/14 } ⛄️

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