#110 Drunk or Sober [Midorima x Reader]

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I honestly forgot who requested this. I'm so sorry!! Thank you for requesting! :<


You were cooking up dinner while you waited for your apartment mate and best friend, Midorima Shintaro.

You've always had a thing for him but you were convinced that he had a girlfriend so you backed off- after all, you weren't a boyfriend stealer.

You laid the plates onto the table and stirred the cooking food some more. Your phone in your butt pocket vibrated and you took it out.

From: Midorima Shintaro
> Sorry [First Name]
> Have dinner without me, I'm going out.

This was one of the things that confirmed you that he was indeed taken and unavailable.

You texted a quick reply and put your phone back into your jean butt pocket. Serving your cooking, you listened to the radio.

You sat on your seat and looked in front of you to see his empty seat. You smiled sympathetically, oh well, you thought, thank you for the food.


Around 11PM, you were typing away your essay on your laptop on the couch and your colleague has not came back to the shared apartment. You heard your phone vibrate on the coffee table.

'Midorima Shintaro calling' flashed on the screen. With an eyebrow raised, you put aside your laptop to answer his call.

"Hello?" You answer the phone.

"[First Name]-chan!" Takao greets, "Sorry for calling you so late, did I wake you?"

"No, no, it's fine, Kazu-kun," You answer, "What's up?"

"It seems that Shin-chan had one too many drinks," He says, "Can you come and help me get him up?"

"See you in 5." You say, getting up with your coat and purse, and he bids you goodbye.

You lock your apartment behind you and proceed to going to the pub they usually go to.


True to your word, you arrived there around 5 minutes, easily spotting the green haired teen with his head on the counter.

"[First Name]-chan!" You hear Takao greet you as you two exchange hugs.

"What happened?" You ask as you held Midorima by his shoulder.

"He was feeling a little... Stressed, I suppose," Takao says with an unsure smile.

"Well then, I'll bring him back to the apartment, thank you, Kazu-kun." You smile at Takao and see him smile back, walking out of the pub.

You turned to your best friend and proceeded to shake him awake. "Shintaro-kun?"

He groans and raises his head, surprised with your presence. "[F-First Name]." His breath reeked of alcohol but you were almost used to it.

"Let's go home?" You ask as you help the taller male steady himself.

You held his hand as he stumbled a few times. The street lights accompanied your trudge back.

"That was really reckless of you, Shintaro-kun." You lecture him, glancing towards him to see his tainted cheeks.

"S-sorry..." He looks away, walking with you, occasionally slumping towards you.

You reached the apartment and unlocked the door, bringing Midorima inside, seating him at the kitchen counter.

You took a cup and poured some water into it, and handed it to Midorima to prevent him from getting a terrible hangover tomorrow morning.

He gulped down the water generously and laid his head on the counter, sighing to himself.

"Let's call it a day, Shintaro-kun." You suggest, taking off your coat and hanging it on the coat hanger.

You help the male up and guide him to his room where he plopped down onto his bed. "Good night."

You make your way to the door when you heard him call you. "[First Name]... Can you stay here with me?"

"Uh..." You turned around, looking at him blushing on his bed. "S-sure..."

Making your way on the other side of his bed, he pulled you closer and draped his arm around you.

The both of you stayed silent for a while, your breaths being the only thing audible. "[F-First Name]..." He starts as you close your eyes and move closer to him.

You hum questioningly in response, "I-I... I love you."

Your eyes snap open at the statement and slowly look up towards the male to find his eyes waiting for yours. "What?"

"I love you, [First Name]... Nanodayo," He repeats.

"Y-you're drunk, Shintaro-kun, you need to s-sleep." You move away from him slightly, unable to believe your ears.

"I'm far from drunk..." He trails off, holding you so that you don't move, "I..."

You waited for him to finish his sentence but it never came. You looked back up to his face to see him fast asleep. You smiled at him, "I... Love you too, Shintaro-kun."

It wasn't clear, but somehow, you knew he meant it. And you did too.


I hope you like it! ✨


--- I'm currently not taking any requests ---

Coming up next:
☼ Imayoshi x reader -requested-

--- trivia ---

Did you know that the colour yellow keeps you focused? Yellow decreases the production of a hormone called 'Melatonin' that makes you sleepy. So, surround yourself with yellow things in class, be awake, alert and attentive!

- Yeo Rin

[ Finished on 11th April 2015 ]

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