#52 Exception [Akashi x Reader] -requested-

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Dedicated to @ShadeOfBluee !

Thank you for requesting 💕


You leaned against the wall with your arms crossed against your chest as you hear your best friend reject yet again another confession.

You had taken a romantic liking to him but you acknowledged that he wasn't into the idea of love so you kept quiet.

You knew Akashi was aware of your presence, but all the girls that had came up to him remained oblivious.

For the umpteenth time today, your redhead best friend walked up to you and stood in front of you.

"Another one?" You ask, amusement clear in your voice.

"Don't you have better things to do, [First Name]?" He asks, sighing.

"Nope~," You say sheepishly and he walks next to you and mirrors your actions against the wall.

"This day is wretched," He says, "Don't these girls have anything better to do than have pointless crushes on me? It's getting annoying."

'Heh... If only you knew.' You thought.

You face your best friend who has his eyes closed in frustration, "At least you know what Kise-kun feels everyday?" You sweat drop at your attempt to console him.

He clicks his tongue, "I will punish everyone that loves me."

"Ma, ma, isn't that a little too harsh, Sei?" You sweat drop once more.

"There's only one person that can love me, and its not them." He clarifies, "Therefore everyone else should be punished."

'Only one person, huh?'

"That's hardly fair, but okay..." You decided not to talk against him on this matter.

"I'm sure she isn't confessing to me because she can clearly see my irritation towards these pointless confessions." He scoffed.

"Anyone would've stopped themselves if they saw your situation, Sei." You told him.

"Is that what's stopping you, [First Name]?"

"Wh-what?" You stutter, flustered. He wasn't supposed to know. "What are you talking about?"

He locked you against the wall, with both his arms beside your head. "Is this not what you want?"

"I-I-I-I......" [I KNOW PLACES WE WON'T BE FOUND AND THEY'LL BE CHASIN THEIR TAILS TRYING TO TRACK US DOWN CAUSE I- -slapped-] You stared into his heterochromatic eyes and your eyes flickered to his lips, instantly looking back into his eyes. "It- it doesn't matter, you'll just reject me anyways."

"Why do you think that?" He muses.

"You've rejected everyone else and your heart already holds a place for another." You look away. "Why would I be of an exeptio-"

You felt warm lips on yours and you realized that your crush was actually kissing you. "Why don't you say that again?" He challenges and you realize that he was in fact talking about you.


It's freaking 2am in the morning and I'm still awake and I have school in 5 hours. Why can't you just close, eyes ;-;

Coming Soon:

☯ Kuroko x dancer -requested-

☯ Kise x reader -requested-

☯ Kasamatsu x reader

☯ Miyaji x reader

☯ Akashi x reader -requested-

- Rin { 12/11/14 } 💕

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